
/smuy"laks/, n.
1. any plant belonging to the genus Smilax, of the lily family, growing in tropical and temperate zones, consisting mostly of vines having woody stems.
2. a delicate, twining plant, Asparagus asparagoides, of the lily family, having glossy, bright-green, egg-shaped leaves, cultivated by florists.
[1595-1605; < L smilax bindweed < Gk smîlax bindweed, yew]

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Any of about 300 species of woody or herbaceous vines, variously known as catbriers and greenbriers, that make up the genus Smilax (family Smilacaceae), native to tropical and temperate regions.

The stems of many species are covered with prickles, the lower leaves are scalelike, and the leathery upper leaves have untoothed blades with three to nine large veins. White or yellow-green flowers are followed by clusters of red or bluish-black berries. Common catbrier (S. rotundifolia) and carrion flower (S. herbacea) of eastern North America are sometimes cultivated to form impenetrable thickets. See also sarsaparilla.

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plant genus
 genus of plants in the family Smilacaceae, consisting of about 300 species of woody or herbaceous vines, variously known as catbriers and greenbriers, native to tropical and temperate parts of the world. The stems of many species are covered with prickles; the lower leaves are scalelike; and the leathery upper leaves have untoothed blades with three to nine large veins. The white or yellow-green male and female flowers are borne on separate plants. The fruit is a red or bluish-black berry.

      Young shoots of S. aspera are edible. Carrion flower (S. herbacea) and common catbrier (S. rotundifolia) of eastern North America are sometimes cultivated to form impenetrable thickets.

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