- slowworm
/sloh"werrm'/, n.[bef. 900; SLOW + WORM; r. ME slowerm, slowurme, OE slawerm, slawyrm, equiv. to sla- (cf. dial. Sw slo, Norw slo slowworm) + wyrm worm]
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▪ lizarda legless lizard of the family Anguidae. It lives in grassy areas and open woodlands from Great Britain and Europe eastward to the Urals (Ural Mountains) and Caspian Sea. Adults reach 40 to 45 cm (16 to 18 inches) in body length, but the tail can be up to two times the length from snout to vent. External limbs and girdles are absent, and only a remnant of the pelvic girdle persists internally. Its elongated body form, combined with an absence of limbs, gives the slowworm its snakelike appearance. Unlike snakes (snake), however, slowworms have ear (animal development) openings and eyelids (eyelid).The diet of A. fragilis is made up of snails (snail), slugs (slug), earthworms (earthworm), other soft-bodied invertebrates (invertebrate), and some vertebrates (vertebrate). They are live-bearers that mate in spring and give birth to 8 to 12 young in late summer (see glass snake (glass lizard)).George R. Zug* * *
Universalium. 2010.