
/skuy/, n.
an island in the Hebrides, in NW Scotland: cattle farming. 7372; 670 sq. mi. (1735 sq. km).

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      the largest and most northerly of the Inner Hebrides islands of Scotland. It is the nearest of these islands to the mainland, which lies only a few hundred yards away at Kyleakin, where the Skye Bridge provides access to the mainland by road. Administratively it lies within the Highland council area, and it is part of the historic county of Inverness-shire.

      Skye is almost 50 miles (80 km) long, and its coastline is so deeply indented that no part is more than 5 miles from the sea. The Cuillin Hillsreaching an elevation of 3,257 feet (993 metres) above sea leveldominate the landscape in south-central Skye. North of Portree is the curious basaltic group of pinnacles at Storr, the most remarkable of which, the Old Man of Storr, is a landmark for sailors. Much of Skye is moorland.

      Skye was occupied in prehistoric times and settled by Gaelic-speaking Scots (Scot) from Ireland during the first centuries BC. Norsemen ruled the island from the 9th to the 12th century. Thereafter, while the kingdom of Scotland claimed the island, the Lords of the Isles maintained independent control of the Hebrides until the 15th century. Dunvegan Castle, home of the MacLeods, the chief clan of Skye, was built in the 9th century and has been occupied longer than any other house in Scotland.

      The crofting system (small-scale tenant farming, mainly for subsistence) is still widespread. During the late 18th and early 19th centuries the poverty of the crofters was extreme, and large numbers were forced to emigrate. Improvements came after the passage of the Small Landholders (Scotland) Acts, 18861911, and the subsequent introduction of government subsidies for growing potatoes and raising cattle and sheep. The sea fishing industry, once a mainstay of the economy, has declined, but commercial fish farming, particularly of salmon, is now an important part of the local economy. Other occupations include whisky distilling at Carbost and, just north of Storr, the reworking of extensive diatomite deposits, with a processing plant at Uig. Tourism is a major industry. Portree, the largest settlement, lies at the head of a fine harbour on the eastern coast and manufactures tweeds, tartans, and other woolens. Gaelic (Scots Gaelic language) is widely spoken by the islanders. Pop. (2001) 9,251.

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