- skip
—skippingly, adv./skip/, v., skipped, skipping, n.v.i.1. to move in a light, springy manner by bounding forward with alternate hops on each foot.2. to pass from one point, thing, subject, etc., to another, disregarding or omitting what intervenes: He skipped through the book quickly.3. to go away hastily and secretly; flee without notice.4. Educ. to be advanced two or more classes or grades at once.5. to ricochet or bounce along a surface: The stone skipped over the lake.v.t.6. to jump lightly over: The horse skipped the fence.7. to pass over without reading, noting, acting, etc.: He skipped the bad parts.8. to miss or omit (one of a repeated series of rhythmic actions): My heart skipped a beat.9. to be absent from; avoid attendance at: to skip a school class.10. to send (a missile) ricocheting along a surface.11. Informal. to leave hastily and secretly or to flee from (a place): They skipped town.n.13. a skipping movement; a light jump or bounce.14. a gait marked by such jumps.15. a passing from one point or thing to another, with disregard of what intervenes: a quick skip through Europe.16. Music. a melodic interval greater than a second.17. a natural depression below the surface of a planed board.18. Informal. a person who has absconded in order to avoid paying debts or meeting other financial responsibilities.[1250-1300; (v.) ME skippen, perh. < ON skopa to run (cf. Icel skoppa to skip); (n.) late ME skyppe, deriv. of the v.]Syn. 1. caper, hop. SKIP, BOUND refer to an elastic, springing movement. To SKIP is to give a series of light, quick hops alternating the feet: to skip about. BOUND suggests a series of long, rather vigorous leaps; it is also applied to a springing or leaping type of walking or running rapidly and actively: A dog came bounding up to meet him. 2. skim. 13. leap, spring, caper, hop.skip2/skip/, n., v., skipped, skipping.n.1. the captain of a curling or bowling team.2. Informal. skipper1.v.t.3. to serve as skip of (a curling or bowling team).4. Informal. skipper1.[1820-30; short for SKIPPER1]skip3/skip/, n.1. Mining. a metal box for carrying ore, hauled vertically or on an incline.[1805-15; alter. of SKEP]
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Universalium. 2010.