
sinuslike, adj.
/suy"neuhs/, n., pl. sinuses.
1. a curve; bend.
2. a curving part or recess.
3. Anat.
a. any of various cavities, recesses, or passages, as a hollow in a bone, or a reservoir or channel for venous blood.
b. one of the hollow cavities in the skull connecting with the nasal cavities.
c. an expanded area in a canal or tube.
4. Pathol. a narrow passage leading to an abscess or the like.
5. Bot. a small, rounded depression between two projecting lobes, as of a leaf.
[1590-1600; < L sinus (s. sinu-) bent or curved surface, curve, fold]

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Body cavity or hollow.

The paranasal sinuses, which are known commonly simply as the sinuses, are any of four sets of cavities in the bones adjoining the nose: maxillary, the largest, between the eye socket and the palate and upper jaw; frontal, just above and between the eye sockets; ethmoidal, consisting of 318 thin-walled cavities between the nasal cavities and the eye sockets; and sphenoidal, behind the nasal cavity. All are absent or small at birth, enlarge gradually until puberty, and then grow rapidly. They affect the sound of the voice and may help to warm inhaled air. Their lining produces mucus, which drains into the nasal cavity. Blockage of their outlets by swelling (from allergy or infection; see sinusitis), polyps, or structural problems hamper breathing through the nose and can lead to serious infection. Severe obstruction may require surgery, which must be done with extreme care to avoid harm to nearby brain structures or the eyes.

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      in anatomy, a hollow, cavity, recess, or pocket; a large channel containing blood; a suppurating tract; or a cavity within a bone. Two types of sinus, the blood-filled and the air-filled sinuses, are discussed in this article.

Blood-filled sinuses
      The cranial venous sinuses are spaces between the layers of dura mater, which covers the brain, and are lined with endothelium similar to that lining veins. These sinuses receive blood (human cardiovascular system) from the veins of the brain, and all eventually drain into the principal vein of the neckthe internal jugular. Communications between these intracranial venous sinuses and veins outside the skull such as those in the nose, are important because they offer a direct path by which infection in the nose may reach the brain.

      Among these sinuses the cavernous sinus is of particular interest, because it lies on each side of the pituitary gland and contains not only venous blood but also the internal carotid artery and several cranial nerves (nervous system, human).

Paranasal air sinuses
      The air sinuses, four on each side, are cavities in the bones (bone) that adjoin the nose. They are outgrowths from the nasal cavity and retain their communications with it by means of drainage openings, or ostia. Consequently, their lining is mucous membrane similar to that found in the nose. The mucus secretion formed is propelled by small, hairlike processes called cilia (cilium) through the ostia of the sinuses to the nasal cavity. From there it is eventually swallowed or expelled. All sinuses are absent or small at birth; they gradually enlarge until puberty, when they usually grow (growth) rapidly.

      The two frontal sinuses are situated in the frontal bone immediately above and between the eye sockets, or orbits. They are usually unequal in size and have the shape of an irregular pyramid with its apex directed upward. The thin bony wall separating the two cavities sometimes is absent.

      It is rare to recognize the frontal sinuses until the age of seven years, and their maximum growth occurs after puberty. They vary considerably in size and are usually larger in the male than in the female, averaging, when fully developed, approximately 3 cm (1.2 inches) in height, 2.5 cm (1 inch) in width, and 2 cm (0.8 inch) in depth. The front, or anterior, wall is thick skull bone; behind the sinuses lies bone covering the brain, and the floor of the sinuses slopes toward their openings into the nose.

      The maxillary sinuses are not only the largest of the air sinuses but also the first to appear, being present in the fourth month of intrauterine (human embryology) life. Each is a pyramidal space, its roof formed by the floor of the eye socket, and its floor by the palate and teeth-bearing bone. The roots of the upper-jaw teeth may project through the floor into the sinus cavity or may be so closely related to the floor that extraction leads to the formation of an opening between mouth and sinus (oro-antral fistula). The maxillary sinuses reach their maximum size by about age 12, when all the permanent teeth except the third molars have erupted. The nerves supplying the upper teeth run through the front wall of the sinus and may be irritated during acute antral infections with resultant toothache.

      The ethmoidal sinuses, from 3 to 18 thin-walled cavities between the nasal cavities and the eye sockets, make up the ethmoidal labyrinths. Their walls form most of the inner walls of the eye sockets and are joined together by a thin perforated plate of bone at the roof of the nose. This bone, the cribriform plate, transmits the olfactory nerves that carry the sense of smell.

      The sinuses contained within each labyrinth are arranged in three noncommunicating groups, all of which open into the nasal cavity. All produce mucus whose function is to lubricate the cilia lining the nasal passages.

      The sphenoidal sinuses are situated back of the nose in the sphenoidal bone, which forms a forward part of the base of the skull and contains the depression, or fossa, for the pituitary gland. The sinuses are separated from each other by a bony wall, or septum, that is rarely in the midline, and they discharge their mucus through an opening in the front wall of the sinus into the nose.

      These sinuses appear before birth but remain small until the age of 10, when they grow rapidly; rapid growth also occurs at about puberty. Sphenoidal sinuses are important in the surgical approach to the pituitary gland for patients with breast cancer or pituitary tumours.

Functions of the paranasal sinuses
      Comprehensive studies on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the nose and paranasal sinuses have been made in humans and in lower animals. The presence of the sphenoidal and frontal sinuses in carnivores such as the dog, hyena, and tiger is related to an increased area of olfaction and consequent improvement in the sense of smell. Ethmoidal air cells are found only in higher apes and humans and are probably the result of restriction of the olfactory area.

      The maxillary sinuses are largest in humans, in the higher apes, and in capuchin and howler monkeys; they are absent in baboons, lorises, and tapirs. It has been suggested that these sinuses play a part in phonation (speech), that they aid in conservation of heat from the nasal fossae, and that they serve to lighten the skull, but evidence for these theories is lacking.

Diseases of the sinuses
      The most common disorder affecting the paranasal sinuses is infection, a condition that is known as sinusitis (q.v.).

      Polyps (polyp), consisting of swollen nasal lining, may grow from both the maxillary and ethmoidal sinuses and cause nasal obstruction. They occur most commonly as a result of nasal allergy and require surgical removal.

      Cancers (cancer) affecting the paranasal sinuses are rare, especially in the sphenoidal and frontal area. They occur most commonly among the Bantu of South Africa, where they are related to the long-term use of a homemade snuff that is carcinogenic. Recently, however, it has been shown that certain woodworkers in the furniture industry have a greatly increased incidence of nasal sinus cancer.

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