
signless, adj.signlike, adj.
/suyn/, n.
1. a token; indication.
2. any object, action, event, pattern, etc., that conveys a meaning.
3. a conventional or arbitrary mark, figure, or symbol used as an abbreviation for the word or words it represents.
4. a motion or gesture used to express or convey an idea, command, decision, etc.: Her nod was a sign that it was time to leave.
5. a notice, bearing a name, direction, warning, or advertisement, that is displayed or posted for public view: a traffic sign; a store sign.
6. a trace; vestige: There wasn't a sign of them.
7. an arbitrary or conventional symbol used in musical notation to indicate tonality, tempo, etc.
8. Med. the objective indications of a disease.
9. any meaningful gestural unit belonging to a sign language.
10. an omen; portent: a sign of approaching decadence.
12. See sign language (def. 1).
13. Usually, signs. traces, as footprints, of a wild animal.
14. Math.
a. a plus sign or minus sign used as a symbol for indicating addition or subtraction.
b. a plus sign or minus sign used as a symbol for indicating the positive or negative value of a quantity, as an integer.
e. a symbol, as !, used to indicate a factorial operation.
15. to affix a signature to: to sign a letter.
16. to write as a signature: to sign one's name.
17. to engage by written agreement: to sign a new player.
18. to mark with a sign, esp. the sign of the cross.
19. to communicate by means of a sign; signal: He signed his wish to leave.
20. to convey (a message) in a sign language.
21. Obs. to direct or appoint by a sign.
22. to write one's signature, as a token of agreement, obligation, receipt, etc.: to sign for a package.
23. to make a sign or signal: He signed to her to go away.
24. to employ a sign language for communication.
25. to obligate oneself by signature: He signed with another team for the next season.
26. sign away or over, to assign or dispose of by affixing one's signature to a document: She signed over her fortune to the church.
27. sign in (or out) to record or authorize one's arrival (or departure) by signing a register.
28. sign off,
a. to withdraw, as from some responsibility or connection.
b. to cease radio or television broadcasting, esp. at the end of the day.
c. Informal. to become silent: He had exhausted conversation topics and signed off.
d. to indicate one's approval explicitly if not formally: The president is expected to sign off on the new agreement.
29. sign on,
a. to employ; hire.
b. to bind oneself to work, as by signing a contract: He signed on as a pitcher with a major-league team.
c. to start radio or television broadcasting, esp. at the beginning of the day.
d. Computers. log1 (def. 17a).
30. sign up, to enlist, as in an organization or group; to register or subscribe: to sign up for the navy; to sign up for class.
[1175-1225; (n.) ME signe < OF < L signum mark, sign, ensign, signal, image; (v.) ME signen to mark with a sign, esp. the sign of the cross < OF signer < L signare to mark with a sign, inscribe, affix a seal to, deriv. of signum]
Syn. 1. trace, hint, suggestion. 1, 4. signal. 10. indication, hint, augury. SIGN, OMEN, PORTENT name that which gives evidence of a future event. SIGN is a general word for whatever gives evidence of an event - past, present, or future: Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. An OMEN is an augury or warning of things to come; it is used only of the future, in general, as good or bad: birds of evil omen. PORTENT, limited, like OMEN, to prophecy of the future, may be used of a specific event, usually a misfortune: portents of war.

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In marketing and advertising, a device placed on or before a premises to identify its occupant and the nature of the business done there or, placed at a distance, to advertise a business or its products.

The ancient Egyptians and Greeks used signs for advertising purposes, as did the Romans, who also, in effect, created signboards by whitewashing convenient sections of walls for suitable inscriptions. Early shop signs were developed when tradesmen, dealing with a largely illiterate public, devised certain easily recognizable emblems to represent their trades. Modern sign designers use various forms of animation and light.

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      in marketing and advertising, device placed on or before a premises to identify its occupant and the nature of the business done there or, placed at a distance, to advertise a business or its products.

      The ancient Egyptians and Greeks used signs for advertising purposes, as did the Romans, who also, in effect, created signboards by whitewashing convenient sections of walls for suitable inscriptions. Early shop signs were developed when tradesmen, dealing with a largely illiterate public, devised certain easily recognizable emblems to represent their trades. Many examples of Roman signs are preserved, including the famous sign of a bush that was mounted before a tavern to indicate the availability of wine. Some signs, like the Roman bush, the three golden balls of the pawnbroker, and the red and white stripes of the barberrepresenting blood and bandages, since barbers once also did bloodlettingearly became identified with particular trades. Other fields were never so identified, and the signs developed for them reflected coats of arms, if the proprietor could plausibly claim one, or simply the most compelling graphic device that a signpainter could contrive.

      Sign was a word slow to enter the English language; by 1225 it signified a gesture or motion, and by the end of the 13th century it meant either the sign of the cross or any other device on a banner or shield. As early as the 1390s English merchants were required to label their premises with their own signs, and in the late 16th century such signs were required in France as well. A hundred years later, both Paris and London ruled that signssave for those designating inns for the convenience of the travelermight no longer sway boldly from a stanchion outside the premises but must be mounted flat on the face of the building, safely out of the public way.

      These restrictions led to, or at least coincided with, a diminution in the popularity and ubiquity of signs marking shops and dwellings, and thereafter the practice of numbering buildings sequentially by street gained steadily in popularity. Although it had been undertaken spottily in France as early as 1512, such numbering was not widespread until the 18th century, by the end of which it was virtually universal in France and England, and within a few years it was required in France. In Gascony and Spain's Basque country, however, a tradition of placing over the door of a house a sign bearing its owner's name (or at least the date of construction) survived down to modern times.

      In Europe, after the invention of printing by movable type, it was not long before printed handbills, flyers, broadsheets, and posters were affixed to walls and fences and even signboards carried by people, by which they advertised an assortment of goods and services, public executions, sailings and dockings, and the like. By the 19th century the scramble for bill-posting space and the proliferation ofpost no billscaveats on many walls had put available space in such demand that entrepreneurs constructed billboards and purchased the right to mount them on private property.

      When practical electric generators were invented in the late 19th century, illumination became possible for shop signs and billboards, and by 1910 the French scientist Georges Claude was experimenting with the neon tube and other gas-filled illuminating devices. In less than a decade, signs were being fashioned of glass tubes bent to form words and designs that glowed red or green or blue when the gases inside them were subjected to an electric current.

      Government regulation grew apace with lighting technology, and as signs had once been prohibited for businesses other than inns, illuminated signs and indeed any signs came to be precluded from residential neighbourhoods in much of the world by the mid-20th century. Sign designers took to highways and airways, introducing various techniques of animation to the static skills of the electric-sign maker. Headlines or sales messages ran along electronic billboards atop downtown buildings. The nighttime skyline of every city in the world changed as electric signs came to dominate the main commercial streets.

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