Sherwood Forest

Sherwood Forest
an ancient royal forest in central England, chiefly in Nottinghamshire: the traditional haunt of Robin Hood.

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A former royal hunting ground that is known for its association with the legendary Robin Hood, Sherwood Forest formerly occupied almost all of western Nottinghamshire and extended into Derbyshire. Today a reduced area of woodland remains between Nottingham and Worksop.

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      woodland and former royal hunting ground, county of Nottinghamshire, England, that is well known for its association with Robin Hood, the outlaw hero of medieval legend. Sherwood Forest formerly occupied almost all of western Nottinghamshire and extended into Derbyshire. Today a reduced area of woodland, mostly pine plantations, remains between Nottingham and Worksop. In the north the great ducal estates, ordukeries,” of Welbeck, Clumber, and Thoresby have preserved parts of the forest. Many veteran oaks remain, and there is much heath. Agricultural encroachment has been limited by the poor, sandy soil. An underlying coalfield has been extensively developed since the mid-19th century.

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  • Sherwood Forest — is a Royal Forest in Nottinghamshire, England, that is famous through its historical association with the legend of Robin Hood. Continuously afforested since the end of the Ice Age, [As attested by pollen sampling cores.] Sherwood is today… …   Wikipedia

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  • Sherwood Forest — noun an ancient forest in central England; formerly a royal hunting ground; said to be the home of Robin Hood and his merry band • Regions: ↑England • Instance Hypernyms: ↑forest, ↑woodland, ↑timberland, ↑timber * * * an ancient royal forest in… …   Useful english dictionary

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