
/not"ing euhm shear', -sheuhr/ or, U.S. often /-ham-/, n.
a county in central England. 982,700; 854 sq. mi. (2210 sq. km). Also, Nottingham, Notts /nots/.

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Administrative (pop., 2001: 748,503), geographic, and historic county, East Midlands, north-central England.

It has coalfields and railway lines in the west, and in its centre it contains a broad belt of infertile sandstone. It is the location of the medieval forest of Sherwood, the haunt of Robin Hood, which stretched north from the city of Nottingham. Farmland is found in the Vales of Trent and Belvoir, where agriculture includes dairy farming. The chief river is the Trent, along which there are numerous thermal electric power stations. The southwestern part of the county is densely populated and heavily industrialized.

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      administrative, geographic, and historic county of the East Midlands of England, bordered by the geographic counties of Leicestershire, Derbyshire, and Lincolnshire, and by the metropolitan county of South Yorkshire. The administrative, geographic, and historic counties cover slightly different areas. The administrative county has seven districts: Ashfield, Bassetlaw, Mansfield, Newark and Sherwood, and the boroughs of Broxtowe, Gedling, and Rushcliffe. The geographic county encompasses these areas and the city of Nottingham, administratively a separate unitary authority. The historic county of Nottinghamshire is nearly coterminous with the geographic county, but it includes three additional small areas: the area just west of Bawtry and the parish of Finningley, both administratively part of the metropolitan borough of Doncaster in South Yorkshire, and an area east of Wymeswold in the Charnwood borough of the administrative county of Leicestershire.

      The county is oval-shaped, extending 51 miles (82 km) from north to south but only half that distance from east to west, and the major communication routes run north to south. This stems in part from geology, for Nottinghamshire lies on the eastern slope of the Pennine Chain, thespineof England. Geologic formations outcrop in north-south beltsthe oldest in the west and the youngest in the eastwhile the surface generally falls from west to east.

      In the west of the county lies an extensive coalfield, whose multiple railway lines and many mining towns, paralleling the main M1 motorway, form the principal north-south band of settlement. The centre of Nottinghamshire is a broad belt of Triassic pebble beds and sandstones. The chief feature of this central belt is its infertility; its natural vegetation is forest and heath, and it is here that the great medieval forest of Sherwood (Sherwood Forest), the haunt of Robin Hood, stretched north across the county from the city of Nottingham. While little of the original oak forest now remains, subsequent plantings conserve some impression of the original woodland. In the east, underlain by clays and marls, is lowland Nottinghamshire, effectively the valley of the River Trent and the adjoining Vale of Belvoir. The Trent forms the second main north-south axis of the county. The river carries a small amount of traffic, but its principal use today is to provide cooling water for a remarkable concentration of thermal electric power stations along its banks.

      Southwestern Nottinghamshire, comprising the coalfield area and the city of Nottingham, is a densely populated, heavily industrialized region, with mining, steelmaking, engineering, chemical, and textile (lace and hosiery) industries. Industrial outliers are found in Mansfield, the Ashfield district, Worksop, and Newark.

      The centre of the county is relatively empty by contrast. The former royal forest of Sherwood (Sherwood Forest) was gradually converted into a series of great estates, and the sandy, infertile land was given over to new forest plantations, park landscapes, and imposing mansions (e.g., Welbeck, Wollaton, and Newstead). The region's so-called Forest Sands have made it one of the few agricultural regions of Great Britain that require extensive irrigation. The largest uninterrupted area of farmland in the county lies in the Vales of Trent and Belvoir. Agriculture includes dairying (including the manufacture of Stilton cheese), the production of cereal grains, and the growing of sugar beets, which are refined at Newark.

      There is ample evidence of prehistoric settlement in Nottinghamshire. Roman settlement was concentrated in the low-lying eastern part of the county along Fosse Way. The county formed part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia, and, after the Danish invasion in the 9th century, Nottingham became one of the five Danish boroughs. During the 16th century several dukes acquired much of northern Sherwood Forest and established the estates now known as the Dukeries. Coal mining in the county dates to the 13th century, but the Industrial Revolution spurred intensified exploitation of the county's coalfield and the development of textile and other industries in the western part of the county.

      The county's major buildings of note are the great mansions of the Dukeries, the restored Nottingham Castle, and the cathedral at Southwell. There are two universities in the city of Nottingham. The county's administrative centre is West Bridgford. Area administrative county, 805 square miles (2,085 square km); geographic county, 834 square miles (2,160 square km). Pop. (2005 est.) administrative county, 762,700; geographic county, 1,041,400.

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