
shaglike, adj.
/shag/, n., v., shagged, shagging.
1. rough, matted hair, wool, or the like.
2. a mass of this.
3. a hairdo in which hair is cut in slightly uneven, overlapping layers downward from the crown, sometimes with the hair at the front and back hairlines left longer or wispier than the rest.
4. a cloth with a nap, as of silk or a heavy or rough woolen fabric.
5. a rug or carpet with a thick, shaggy pile.
6. a coarse tobacco cut into fine shreds.
v.t., v.i.
7. to make or become rough or shaggy.
[bef. 1050; OE sceacga (wooly) hair (not recorded in ME); c. ON skegg beard; akin to SHAW]
/shag/, n.
1. a small cormorant, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, of European coasts.
2. any of several small cormorants of the Southern Hemisphere.
[1560-70; perh. special use of SHAG1, applied first to bird's crest]
/shag/, v., shagged, shagging, n.
1. to dance a step with a vigorous hopping on each foot.
2. this dance step.
[1350-1400; perh. var. of SHOG]
/shag/, v.t., shagged, shagging.
1. to chase or follow after; pursue.
2. to go after and bring back; fetch.
3. Baseball. to retrieve and throw back (fly balls) in batting practice.
4. shag ass, Slang (vulgar). to depart, esp. hurriedly; get going.
[1930-35; orig. uncert.; see SHACK2]

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  • shag — shag1 [shag] n. [ME * shagge < OE sceacga, rough hair, akin to ON skegg, beard < IE base * skek , to spring forth > SHAKE, Ger schicken, to send] 1. Rare heavily matted wool or hair 2. a haircut, short in front and longer in back, with… …   English World dictionary

  • shag — Ⅰ. shag [1] ► NOUN 1) a carpet or rug with a long, rough pile. 2) (before another noun ) (of pile) long and rough. 3) a thick, tangled hairstyle. 4) coarse cut tobacco. ORIGIN Old English. Ⅱ …   English terms dictionary

  • shag´gi|ly — shag|gy «SHAG ee», adjective, gi|er, gi|est. 1. covered with a thick, rough mass of hair or wool, or something resembling them: »a shaggy dog. 2. long, thick, and rough: »shaggy eyebrows, a shaggy mustache. 3. unke …   Useful english dictionary

  • shag|gy — «SHAG ee», adjective, gi|er, gi|est. 1. covered with a thick, rough mass of hair or wool, or something resembling them: »a shaggy dog. 2. long, thick, and rough: »shaggy eyebrows, a shaggy mustache. 3. unke …   Useful english dictionary

  • Shag — Shag, n. [AS. sceacga a bush of hair; akin to Icel. skegg the beard, Sw. sk[ a]gg, Dan. skj?g. Cf. {Schock} of hair.] 1. Coarse hair or nap; rough, woolly hair. [1913 Webster] True Witney broadcloth, with its shag unshorn. Gay. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Shag — Shag, a. Hairy; shaggy. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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