Standard Generalized Markup Language: a set of standards, approved by the ISO, enabling a user to create an appropriate markup scheme for tagging the elements of an electronic document, as to facilitate the production of multiple versions in various print and electronic formats.

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in full Standard Generalized Markup Language

Markup language for organizing and tagging elements of a document, including headings, paragraphs, tables, and graphics.

The elements are marked according to their meaning and relationship to other elements rather than to the format of their presentation. The tagged elements can then be formatted in different ways according to the unique rules for different applications. Readable by both humans and computer programs, SGML is usable in a wide range of applications, including print publishing, CD-ROMs, and database systems. Generic coding of electronic manuscripts was first proposed in the late 1960s; in 1969 an IBM team developed GML, which was adopted by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and Department of Defense. In the late 1970s the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) established a committee to create SGML from GML; it was accepted by the International Organization for Standards in 1986. See also HTML, XML.

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in full  standard generalized markup language 

      an international computer standard for the definition of markup languages; that is, it is a metalanguage. Markup consists of notations called “tags,” which specify the function of a piece of text or how it is to be displayed. SGML emphasizes descriptive markup, in which a tag might be . Such a markup denotes the document function, and it could be interpreted as reverse video on a computer screen, underlining by a typewriter, or italics in typeset text.

      SGML is used to specify DTDs (document type definitions). A DTD defines a kind of document, such as a report, by specifying what elements must appear in the document—e.g., —and by giving rules for the use of document elements, such as that a paragraph may appear within a table entry but a table may not appear within a paragraph. A marked-up text may be analyzed by a parsing program to determine if it conforms to a DTD. Another program may read the markups to prepare an index or to translate the document into <a href="">PostScript</a> for printing. Yet another might generate large or enhanced type or audio for readers with visual or hearing disabilities.</div> <p></p> <div><span style="color: dimgray;"><em>David Hemmendinger</em></span> </div> <div> </div> <p class="src">* * *</p> </dd> <br /> <p id="TerminSourceInfo" class="src"> <em><span itemprop="source">Universalium</span>. <span itemprop="source-date">2010</span>.</em> </p> </div> </dl> </div> <div style="padding:5px 0px;"> <a href="" style="color: green; font-size: 16px; margin-right:10px"><b>Игры ⚽</b></a> <b><a title='онлайн-сервис помощи студентам' href=''>Нужен реферат?</a></b></div> <div id="socialBar_h"></div> <ul class="post-nav" id="TerminsNavigationBar"> <li class="prev"><a href="" title="sgd.">sgd.</a></li> <li class="next"><a href="" title="sgraffito">sgraffito</a></li> </ul> <div class="other-info"> <div class="holder"> <h3 class="dictionary">Look at other dictionaries:</h3> <ul class="terms-list"> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — 〈EDV; Abk. für engl.〉 Standard(ized) Generalized Mark up Language, zur strukturierten Darstellung von gegliederten Texten genormte Auszeichnungssprache; →a. XML [engl.] * * * SGML   [Abk. für Standardized Generalized Markup Language, dt.… …   <span class="src2">Universal-Lexikon</span></p></li> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — ● SGML nom masculin (sigle de l anglais standard generalized mark up language) Langage informatique normalisé de définition et d échange de documents structurés. SGML [ɛsʒeɛmɛl] n. m. ÉTYM. V. 1985; empr. à l angl., sigle de Standard Generalized… …   <span class="src2">Encyclopédie Universelle</span></p></li> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — SGML. Las siglas de Standard Generalized Markup Language o Lenguaje de Marcación Generalizado . Consiste en un sistema para la organización y etiquetado de documentos. La Organización Internacional de Estándares (ISO) ha normalizado este lenguaje …   <span class="src2">Enciclopedia Universal</span></p></li> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — noun [uncountable] COMPUTING standard generalized mark up language; a computer language for creating files, using a system of codes to label the different parts of a file so that those parts can be grouped together or treated in a similar way to… …   <span class="src2">Financial and business terms</span></p></li> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — kalba statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Universali dokumentų ↑ženklinimo kalba, kurią apibrėžia tarptautinis standartas ISO 8879. Kalba nustato santykį tarp dokumento turinio ir struktūros. Ja aprašomi dokumentų formatai, indeksavimas,… …   <span class="src2">Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas </span></p></li> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — 〈EDV; Abk. für engl.〉 Standard(ized) Generalized Markup Language, zur strukturierten Darstellung von gegliederten Texten genormte Auszeichnungssprache [Etym.: engl.] …   <span class="src2">Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch</span></p></li> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — [ˌes dʒi: em ˈel] n [U] technical standard generalized markup language a way of writing a document on a computer so that its structure is clear, and so that it can easily be read on a different computer system …   <span class="src2">Dictionary of contemporary English</span></p></li> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — die; Abk. für engl. standard generalized mark up language> normierte Auszeichnungssprache zur Beschreibung strukturierter Texte (EDV) …   <span class="src2">Das große Fremdwörterbuch</span></p></li> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — [ ,es dʒi em el ] abbreviation Standard Generalized Markup Language: a type of computer language using normal English words for publishing documents in electronic form …   <span class="src2">Usage of the words and phrases in modern English</span></p></li> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — (Standard Generalized Markup Language) customary language used for writing Internet hypertext files (based on separation of the form of a document from its contents) …   <span class="src2">English contemporary dictionary</span></p></li> <li><p><strong><a href="//">SGML</a></strong> — SGML, die oder das; meist ohne Artikel = standard generalized mark up language (EDV eine normierte Form der Textmarkierung) …   <span class="src2">Die deutsche Rechtschreibung</span></p></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="ad_bottom"> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="liveinternet"> <!--LiveInternet counter--><a href=";academic" target="_blank"><img id="licntC2FD" width="31" height="31" style="border:0" title="LiveInternet" src="" alt=""/></a><script>(function(d,s){d.getElementById("licntC2FD").src= ";academic?t44.6;r"+escape(d.referrer)+ ((typeof(s)=="undefined")?"":";s"+s.width+"*"+s.height+"*"+ (s.colorDepth?s.colorDepth:s.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(d.URL)+ ";h"+escape(d.title.substring(0,150))+";"+Math.random()}) (document,screen)</script><!--/LiveInternet--> </div> <div id="restrictions">18+</div> © Academic, 2000-2025 <ul> <li> Contact us: <a id="m_s" href="#">Technical Support</a>, <a id="m_a" href="#">Advertising</a> </li> </ul> <div> <a href="//">Dictionaries export</a>, created on PHP, <div class="img joom"></div> Joomla, <div class="img drp"></div> Drupal, <div class="img wp"></div> WordPress, MODx. </div> </div> <div id="contextmenu"> <ul id="context-actions"> <li><a data-in="masha">Mark and share</a></li> <li class="separator"></li> <!--li><a data-in="dic">Look up in the dictionary</a></li--> <!--li><a data-in="synonyms">Browse synonyms</a></li--> <li><a data-in="academic">Search through all dictionaries</a></li> <li><a data-in="translate">Translate…</a></li> <li><a data-in="internet">Search Internet</a></li> <!--li><a data-in="category">Search in the same category</a></li--> </ul> <ul id="context-suggestions"> </ul> </div> <div id="sharemenu" style="top: 1075px; 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