
/ser"oh/, n.
a goat antelope of the genus Capricornis, of eastern Asia, related to the goral: the Sumatran serow is endangered.
[1840-50; perh. from a source akin to Lepcha sa-ar goat]

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      goatlike mammal that ranges from Japan and Taiwan to western India, through eastern China, Southeast Asia, and the Himalayan region. Serows belong either to the tribe Rupicaprini (goat antelopes (goat antelope)) or, according to another view, to their own tribe (Naemorhedini), of the subfamily Caprinae (family Bovidae (bovid), order Artiodactyla (artiodactyl)). There are at least three distinct species: the widespread mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis), the Japanese serow (C. crispus), and the Formosan serow (C. swinhoii). Horns that are stout, sharp, and bent slightly backward are common to both sexes. The diploid number of chromosomes (chromosome) is 46 in the mainland serow, whereas it is 50 in the Formosan and Japanese species.

      The coloration of the mainland serow is extremely variable. The head, neck, and long mane are grizzled black, and the fur may turn rusty red on the shoulders, flanks, and lower thighs. There is a varying amount of white on the muzzle, throat, chest, and mane. Weight is about 90 kg (40 pounds) and shoulder height 110 cm (40 inches). Both sexes are similar in size. Mainland serows are forest-dwelling, solitary, and territorial (i.e., each adult individual is intolerant of other individuals of the same sex within the area where it lives). They range from sea level in the Malayan peninsula to more than 4,000 metres (13,000 feet) above sea level in the Himalayan mountain range. Well adapted to climbing, they sometimes use large tree trunks overhanging cliffs as safe resting sites. Their nocturnal, elusive habits have made the collection of reliable information about their biology difficult. The red serow (C. sumatraensis rubidus) of Bangladesh, Myanmar, and India and the Sumatran serow (C. sumatraensis sumatraensis) of Malaysia and Sumatra are the most endangered subspecies. Where official protection is accorded, it is usually on paper only, as the serow is hunted for meat and its body parts, which are used in local medicine. (For example, it is believed that the broth obtained by boiling a serow head is a remedy for arthritis.)

      The Formosan serow, a much smaller species (2530 kg [5566 pounds]), is from Taiwan and has woollier and softer pelage than the mainland serow. Its body coloration is brown to reddish and is yellowish on the chin, throat, and neck. Little is known about this species, and it is considered vulnerable to extinction.

      The Japanese serow (3638 kg [7984 pounds] and about 75 cm [30 inches] at shoulder height) is the only species not threatened (about 100,000 head in existence). It is endemic to the Japanese islands of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Once severely threatened because of overhunting and habitat loss, it was designated as aspecial natural monumentin 1955. Since then the Japanese serow has steadily increased its numbers, because of both the virtual elimination of poaching and the creation of favourable habitats such as monoculture conifer plantations. Indeed, culling operations to limit serow numbers have been conducted every year since 1978. This species is covered with long soft hair, which forms a ruff on the neck. Its coloration varies from grizzled black to nearly white.

Sandro Lovari

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Universalium. 2010.

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