
sendable, adj.
/send/, v., sent, sending.
1. to cause, permit, or enable to go: to send a messenger; They sent their son to college.
2. to cause to be conveyed or transmitted to a destination: to send a letter.
3. to order, direct, compel, or force to go: The president sent troops to Asia.
4. to direct, propel, or deliver to a particular point, position, condition, or direction: to send a punch to the jaw; The punch sent the fighter reeling.
5. to emit, discharge, or utter (usually fol. by off, out, or through): The lion sent a roar through the jungle.
6. to cause to occur or befall: The people beseeched Heaven to send peace to their war-torn village.
7. Elect.
a. to transmit (a signal).
b. to transmit (an electromagnetic wave or the like) in the form of pulses.
8. Slang. to delight or excite: Frank Sinatra's records used to send her.
9. to dispatch a messenger, agent, message, etc.
10. Elect. to transmit a signal: The ship's radio sends on a special band of frequencies.
11. send down, Brit. to expel, esp. from Oxford or Cambridge.
12. send for, to request the coming or delivery of; summon: If her temperature goes up, send for the doctor.
13. send forth,
a. to produce; bear; yield: plants sending forth new leaves.
b. to dispatch out of a country as an export.
c. to issue, as a publication: They have sent forth a report to the stockholders.
d. to emit or discharge: The flowers sent forth a sweet odor.
14. send in, to cause to be dispatched or delivered to a destination: Send in your contest entries to this station.
15. send off, to cause to depart or to be conveyed from oneself; dispatch; dismiss: His teacher sent him off to the principal's office.
16. send out,
a. to distribute; issue.
b. to send on the way; dispatch: They sent out their final shipment last week.
c. to order delivery: We sent out for coffee.
17. send packing, to dismiss curtly; send away in disgrace: The cashier was stealing, so we sent him packing.
18. send round, to circulate or dispatch widely: Word was sent round about his illness.
19. send up,
a. to release or cause to go upward; let out.
b. Informal. to sentence or send to prison: He was convicted and sent up for life.
c. to expose the flaws or foibles of through parody, burlesque, caricature, lampoon, or other forms of satire: The new movie sends up merchants who commercialize Christmas.
[bef. 900; ME senden, OE sendan; c. G senden, Goth sandjan (causative) < Gmc base *sinth-, *santh- go, whence OE sith journey, sand message, messenger]
Syn. 2. transmit, dispatch, forward. 4. cast, hurl, fling, project.
Ant. 1. receive.
/send/, v.i., sent, sending, n. Naut.

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