
/sek"met/, n. Egyptian Myth.
a blood-thirsty goddess, sometimes identified with Hathor, who attempted to destroy humankind.
[vocalization of Egyptian shm powerful (cf. PSCHENT) + t fem. marker]

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Egyptian goddess
also spelled  Sakhmet 

      in Egyptian religion, a goddess of war and the destroyer of the enemies of the sun god Re. Sekhmet was associated both with disease and with healing and medicine. Like other fierce goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon, she was called theEye of Re.” She was the companion of the god Ptah and was worshipped principally at Memphis. She was usually depicted as a lioness or as a woman with the head of a lioness, on which was placed the solar disk and the uraeus serpent. Sekhmet was sometimes identified with other Egyptian goddesses, such as Hathor, Bastet, and Mut.

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