
/seuh goh"vee euh/; Sp. /se gaw"vyah/, n.
1. Andrés /ahn drddes"/, 1893-87, Spanish guitarist.
2. a city in central Spain: well-preserved Roman aqueduct. 41,880.
3. Coco.

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city, capital of Segovia provincia (province), in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Castile-León, Spain, northwest of Madrid. The site of the expansive medieval Alcázar palace and the famous Segovia aqueduct, the city was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List (World Heritage site) in 1985.

      An Iberian settlement from about 700 BC, it was captured about 80 BC by the Romans (ancient Rome). At the beginning of the 8th century, it was occupied by the Moors (Moor), from whom forces of the Christian king Alfonso VI recaptured it in 1079. Thereafter the city enjoyed prosperity and a position of some importance in medieval Castile, serving as a royal residence during the reign of Alfonso X (the Wise; c. 1284) and as the site of the Spanish mint from 1586 until 1730. During the Middle Ages it had a flourishing textile industry. An outbreak of plague at the end of the 16th century ushered in a long period of decline, but the city's fortunes revived with the railway-building era of the 19th century.

  There are two well-differentiated areas in Segovia: an upper town encircled by ancient walls, situated on the narrow limestone ridge between two small rivers, the Eresma and the Clamores; and a lower part outside the walls. The centre of the old town is the Plaza Mayor, site of the 16th-century Gothic cathedral, from which streets lead into the outer suburbs. Crossing the Plaza del Azoguejo, the focal point of traffic, is the Roman-built Segovia aqueduct, popularly known as El Puente, one of the finest and best-preserved examples of its kind. It carries water 10 miles (16 km) from the Frío River to Segovia.

 Notable churches include those of San Esteban (with a superb tower), San Martín, La Trinidad, San Lorenzo, and San Millán. They are all Romanesque, and all date from the 12th century. The Church of Vera Cruz (13th century) formerly pertained to the Knights Templars (Templar); it contains murals and other artwork dating from the late 15th century. The Romanesque Church of San Justo is notable for its 12th-century paintings.

 The Alcázar, mention of which was recorded as early as the 12th century, commands the city from the ledge above the river. It was the fortified palace of the kings of Castile; Isabella (Isabella I) was crowned queen there in 1474. The original building was mostly destroyed by fire in 1862 but was subsequently extensively restored.

      Segovia has a military academy in the former Convent of San Francisco, and it also has several museums. The city is now a service centre for commerce, health, and education for the surrounding agricultural hinterland. Tourism also is important thanks to the city's proximity to Madrid. Segovia's main industries are construction, timber, and metalworking. Pop. (2006 est.) 53,393.

 provincia (province) in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Castile-León, north-central Spain. It is bounded by the provinces of Burgos and Soria to the north and northeast, respectively, Guadalajara and Madrid to the southeast, Ávila to the southwest, and Valladolid to the northwest. It is primarily an agricultural tableland, 2,500 feet (762 metres) above sea level. Produce includes wheat, rye, barley, hemp, flax, and vegetables; sheep, cattle, mules, and pigs are raised. The northern watershed of the Sierra de Guadarrama spreads from east to west across the remainder of the province and is quarried for granite, marble, and limestone. Construction, food processing, forestry, and services are the main sources of income. Summer upland resorts are found at El Espinar and San Rafael, but both tourism and industry are largely concentrated in the provincial capital, Segovia city. Area 2,673 square miles (6,923 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 159,322.

Vicente Rodriguez

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Universalium. 2010.

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