photomultiplier tube

photomultiplier tube

      electron multiplier tube that utilizes the multiplication of electrons by secondary emission to measure low light intensities. It is useful in television camera tubes, in astronomy to measure intensity of faint stars, and in nuclear studies to detect and measure minute flashes of light. The tube utilizes a photosensitive cathode, that is, a cathode that emits electrons when light strikes it, followed by a series of additional electrodes, or dynodes, each at a successively higher positive potential so that it will attract electrons given off by the previous dynode.

      The first dynode is made to emit several electrons by each electron striking it; similarly, each electron from the first dynode causes the second dynode to emit several electrons, leading to an increase, or multiplication, of electrons at each dynode until the final dynode is reached. Total amplification may reach 1,000,000, with nine dynodes customarily employed.

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Universalium. 2010.

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