
/sah vaw"nah/, n.
a city in N Italy on the Mediterranean. 79,393.

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Latin  Savo, or Vada Sabbata,  

      city and seaport, Liguria region, northwestern Italy, on the Riviera di Ponente, southwest of Genoa. First recorded as the Gallo-Roman town of Savo, an ally of Carthage against Rome in 205 BC, it was next noted in AD 568569, when the Ligurians were fighting the barbarians, and was destroyed by the Lombards in 639. The capital of Marca Aleramica, the border territory (march) of the Aleramici (9501191) and later an autonomous commune, its initial alliance with Genoa was superseded by a long and fierce rivalry until the Genoese destroyed Savona's port in 1528 and built a fortress there in 154243. The city was annexed to the Napoleonic Empire in 1805, and Pope Pius VII was interned there by Napoleon in 180912. It was joined to the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1815 and to that of Italy in 1861. Savona was heavily bombed in World War II. Although most of the city is modern, the small old quarter has examples of medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque architecture. Notable landmarks include the Renaissance cathedral (15891602), which replaced a structure demolished to make way for the Genoese fort; the Capella Sistina, built by Pope Sixtus IV; the Palazzo della Rovere, built by Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere (Pope Julius II); and the Teatro Civico Gabriello Chiabrera (1853), a theatre built in honour of the native poet Gabriello Chiabrera.

      A major Italian port and an outlet for Piedmont and part of central Europe, Savona's main imports are coal for distribution to the Bormida Valley and oil for refineries near Trecate and Novara. A main centre of the Italian iron industry, it also has shipbuilding, mechanical and electrical engineering, sulfur and glass works, tanneries, and food processing. Savona is linked by rail with Turin and is on the main rail and road route from Genoa to the French border. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 61,766.

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