

      island in the eastern Solomon Islands, southwestern Pacific Ocean, just north of Guadalcanal. Rising to 1,673 feet (510 metres), the island is about 5 miles (8 km) long and 2 miles (3 km) wide. It has no good anchorages, but boat service is available from Guadalcanal. Its active volcano gives off hot waterfalls and sulfur vents and is believed to have dangerous eruptive potential. It last erupted in 1847.

      During World War II Savo was the scene in 1942 of a major Allies-Japanese sea battle in which many ships were sunk. The water southeast of the island is now known as Iron Bottom Sound. In the warm volcanic sands the islanders maintain hatcheries of megapode (incubator bird) eggs for trade in the markets in Honiara on Guadalcanal. Tourism is growing in importance.

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