
/sahr"ee/, n., pl. saris.
a garment worn by Hindu women, consisting of a long piece of cotton or silk wrapped around the body with one end draped over the head or over one shoulder.
Also, saree.
[1570-80; < Hindi sari < Skt sati]

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      city and capital, Māzandarān ostān (province), northern Iran. Founded during the Sāsānid period (AD 224651), it became the capital of Tabarestan (7th9th century) after the Arab conquest of the region. The city was ravaged by the Mongols in the 12th century and visited by the historian Mostowfi in the 14th century. Āghā Moḥammad Khān (ruled 177997) of the Qājār dynasty chose Sārī as the capital of his empire.

      Situated on the western bank of the Tālār River, Sārī is inhabited by Persians, Turks, Kurds, Bangashis, Afghans, and Turkomans. Industries produce bricks, mosaics, woven cloth and jute, ginned cotton, carpets, milled rice, alcoholic beverages, canned meat, and other food products. A railway connects Sārī with Gorgān, and roads link it with Bābol, Nowshahr, Shahsavār, and Amol. There is a ruined palace of Āghā Moḥammad Khān and the tombs of the imams (spiritual leaders) Yaḥyā and Zein al-Abedin. Pop. (2006) 261,293.

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Universalium. 2010.

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