
/san tan"euh, -tah"neuh/; Sp. /sahn tah"nah/, n.
Pedro /pay"droh/; Sp. /pe"dhrddaw/, 1801-64, Dominican revolutionary and political leader: president 1844-48, 1853-56, 1858-61.

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American music group
      American musical group whose use of salsa and mambo-style percussion exposed a wide rock audience to traditional Latin American music. The original members were Carlos Santana (b. July 20, 1947, Autlán de Navarro, Mexico), Gregg Rolie (b. June 17, 1947, Seattle, Washington, U.S.), David Brown (b. February 15, 1947, New York, U.S.), Mike Carabello (b. November 18, 1947, San Francisco, California, U.S.), José (“Chepito”) Areas (b. July 25, 1946, León, Nicaragua), and Mike Shrieve (b. July 6, 1949, San Francisco).

      Formed in 1966 in San Francisco, Santana leaped to prominence after its appearance at Woodstock in 1969. The same year, the group's debut album reached the Top Ten, and leader Carlos Santana joined the top echelon of rock guitarists. Santana's second album, Abraxas (1970), went to number one while spawning the hit singlesBlack Magic WomanandOye Como Va,” and Santana III (1971), featuring new guitarist Neal Schon (b. February 27, 1954, San Mateo, California). With Caravanserai (1972) the group shifted toward jazz. Musicians began leaving the band, most notably Rolie and Schon, who formed Journey. Influenced in part by the philosophy of Sri Chimnoy, Carlos Santana continued excursions into jazz-rock with various musicians for several years before returning, on Amigos (1976), to the formula that brought his initial success. Moonflower, a best-selling double album that included a hit remake of the Zombies' “She's Not There,” followed in 1977.

      Santana continued the pattern of alternating rock radio-friendly releases with jazz projects through the 1990s. In 1998 the group was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and the following year Carlos Santana achieved the greatest commercial and critical success of his career with Supernatural, which included collaborations with such performers as Eric Clapton (Clapton, Eric), Lauryn Hill, Dave Matthews, and Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20. The album topped the charts, selling more than 20 million copies, and received a record-tying eight Grammy Awards.

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Universalium. 2010.

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