
/san'seuh vee ear"ee euh, -seuh vear"ee euh/, n.
any plant belonging to the genus Sansevieria, of the agave family, grown as a houseplant for its stiff, sword-shaped leaves and white or yellow flowers.
[1795-1805; < NL; named after San Seviero, principality of Raimondo di Sangro (1710-71), learned Neapolitan; see -IA]

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plant genus
 genus of ornamental foliage plants in the family Agavaceae, with more than 50 species variously known as bowstring hemp, snake plant, and leopard lily, native primarily to tropical Africa. They have short, thick roots and long, narrow basal leaves that stand erect. Many species have water-resistant leaf fibres that are used in the manufacture of ropes and for bowstrings.

      Mother-in-law's-tongue (S. trifasciata variety laurentii) is a popular houseplant because of its yellow-striped leaves. It has tiny pale-green, scented flowers. The species commonly called snake plant (S. thyrsiflora) has leaves with light-green bands and yellow edges, and the greenish-white, fragrant flowers are borne in a tall cluster.

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Universalium. 2010.

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