
/san"dl/, n., v., sandaled, sandaling or (esp. Brit.) sandalled, sandalling.
1. a shoe consisting of a sole of leather or other material fastened to the foot by thongs or straps.
2. any of various low shoes or slippers.
3. a light, low, rubber overshoe covering only the front part of a woman's high-heeled shoe.
4. a band or strap that fastens a low shoe or slipper on the foot by passing over the instep or around the ankle.
5. to furnish with sandals.
[1350-1400; < F sandale; r. ME sandalie < L sandalium < Gk sandálion, equiv. to sándal(on) sandal + -ion dim. suffix]
/san"dl/, n.
[1350-1400; ME sandell < ML sandalum < LGk sántalon, dissimilated var. of SÁNDANON Skt candana]

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 type of footwear consisting of a sole secured to the foot by straps over the instep, toes, or ankle. The oldest known example of a sandal, dating from about 2000 BC, is made of woven papyrus and comes from Egypt. In ancient Egypt, only important personages wore sandals, which were made of leather or wood as well as papyrus. The ancient Greeks and Romans also wore sandals; the Greek god Hermes (known to the Romans as Mercury) is often portrayed with winged sandals. However, with the rise of Christianity, sandals fell into disrepute, as church leaders thought sandals left women's feet too naked.

      In modern times, sandals have been extremely popular, especially in warm climates. With the growth of mass shoe manufacturing, sandals have been produced in a variety of styles and materialsfrom the simple thong to the platform sandal. The term sandal has also been used to refer to a woman's low-cut shoe or light slipper.

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Universalium. 2010.

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