
/sahm"paw/, n. Finnish Legend.
a magical object or substance that was stolen by Ilmarinen, Vainamoinen, and Lemminkainen from Louhi because of its powers.

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In Finnish mythology, a mysterious object that has been variously identified but is typically believed to be a cosmological pillar that supports the vault of heaven.

Because it is the axis around which the heavens revolve, all life depends on it as the source of all good. In one legend, the creator-smith Ilmarinen forged the sampo for Louhi, the hag-goddess of the underworld, and then stole it back, resulting in its near-destruction. In the Kalevala, sampo is a magic mill that grinds out an endless supply of salt, gold, and meal for its possessor.

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Finno-Ugric cosmology
      mysterious object often referred to in the mythological songs of the Finns, most likely a cosmological pillar or some similar support holding up the vault of heaven. In a cycle of songs, referred to by scholars as the sampo-epic, the sampo is forged by the creator-smith Ilmarinen for Louhi, the hag-goddess of the underworld, and is then stolen back by Ilmarinen and the shaman-hero Väinämöinen. They are pursued by Louhi, and in the ensuing battle sampo is smashed into little pieces, which still preserve enough potency to provide forsowing and reapingand other forms of prosperity.

      The comments of early informants reveal that the songs were part of a ritual cycle sung at a spring sowing ceremony to further the growth of grain. The conclusions of scholars such as E.N. Setälä, Uno Harva, and, more recently, Martti Haavio are more or less in agreement that sampo refers to the support holding up the firmament, a concept found in many early cosmologies. The name sampo may even be a cognate of words such as Sanskrit skambha,pillar,” and Altaic sumbur, theworld mountain.” As the mythical axis mundi, around which the heavens revolve, all life is dependent on the sampo, which the Finnish songs depict as the source of all good.

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Universalium. 2010.

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