
/sah"mahr/, n.
an island in the E central Philippines. 1,200,592; 5309 sq. mi (13,750 sq. km).

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Island (pop., 2000: 1,517,585), east-central Philippines.

The third largest Philippine island after Luzon and Mindanao, it has an area of 5,050 sq mi (13,080 sq km) and is one of the Visayan group. In World War II it was occupied by the Japanese in 1942 and was retaken by the U.S. in 1944. The rugged interior is sparsely settled; permanent settlements are generally coastal. Coconuts and abaca are the main cash crops. The island is well forested, and there are logging and sawmill operations on the eastern coast.

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      island, east-central Philippines, the third largest (after Luzon and Mindanao), part of the Visayas group. It lies between the Samar and Philippine seas and is separated from the Bicol Peninsula of Luzon (northwest) by the San Bernardino Strait. A bridge across the San Juanico Strait connects Samar with Leyte to the southwest. Samar lacks the high mountains that characterize most of the Visayas, but it is exceedingly hilly, with elevations generally from 500 to 1,000 feet (150 to 300 metres), culminating in Mount Capotoan (2,776 feet [846 metres]). Lowlands are restricted to a coastal fringe and to small river floodplains and deltas. The island's rivers are generally short and flow in a radial pattern. Frequent typhoons in late summer and autumn cause considerable damage.

      The island's interior is sparsely settled, and its inhabitants practice shifting cultivation. Permanent settlements are generally coastal. Samarans, who constitute the largest Filipino ethnolinguistic group on the island, are also found on eastern Leyte. They are mostly Roman Catholics and cultivate rice and root crops (sweet potatoes and cassava). Coconuts and abaca are the main cash crops.

      Samar is largely isolated from the main island shipping routes. Most of its internal trade is by coastal ships. Iron ore, extracted in the southeast, is shipped from the port of General MacArthur (Pambuhan Sur). There are also deposits of coal, phosphate, and chromite. Samar is well forested, and there are logging and sawmill operations at the eastern coastal towns of Dolores, Taft, Borongan, and Oras. Catarman is the chief town on the northern coast. Catbalogan, the island's principal commercial centre, and the city of Calbayog are important western coastal ports and fishing centres. Area 5,050 square miles (13,080 square km). Pop. (2000) 1,517,585.

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Universalium. 2010.

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