
/rooh pee"euh/, n., pl. rupiah, rupiahs.
an aluminum coin, paper money, and monetary unit of Indonesia, equal to 100 sen. Abbr.: Rp.
[1945-50; see RUPEE]

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Indonesian currency
      monetary unit of Indonesia. The Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia (Bank Sentral Republik Indonesia) has the exclusive authority to issue banknotes and coins in Indonesia. Coin denominations range from 25 to 1,000 rupiah. Banknotes in circulation range in denominations from 100 to 100,000 rupiah. The obverse of the banknotes generally contains the likeness of an important figure in the country's history, such as Ki Hadjar Dewantoro (Dewantoro, Ki Hadjar) (20,000-rupiah note), who founded the Taman Siswa (“Garden of Students”) educational system; Tjut Njak Dhien (10,000-rupiah note), who fought against Dutch colonization in the early 20th century; and Thomas Matulessy (also known as Kapitan Pattimura; 1,000-rupiah note), who led a rebellion against the Dutch in the Moluccas in the 1810s. The reverse sides contain various images, including the Indonesian landscape, traditional activities (such as weaving), or a schoolroom.

      The rupiah became Indonesia's official currency in 1949, when it replaced the Indonesian Dutch East Indies guilder. Because the currency depreciated greatly during the 1950s, a new rupiah was issued in 1965; the rate of exchange was 1,000 old rupiah for 1 new rupiah.

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