
/ri vair"euh/; Sp. /rddee ve"rddah/, n.
1. Diego /dye"gaw/, 1886-1957, Mexican painter.
2. José Eustasio /haw se" e'oohs tah"syaw/, 1889-1928, Colombian poet and novelist.
3. (José) Fructuoso /haw se" frddoohk twaw"saw/, 1790?-1854, Uruguayan revolutionary and political leader: president of Uruguay 1830-34, 1839-42.
4. Miguel Primo de /mee gel" prddee"maw dhe/. See Primo de Rivera, Miguel.
5. a city in N Uruguay. 40,000.

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(as used in expressions)
Kahlo y Calderón de Rivera Magdalena Carmen Frida
Muñoz Rivera Luis
Primo de Rivera José Antonio
Primo de Rivera Miguel
Rivera Diego

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      city, northern Uruguay. It is built atop two hills in the basaltic Santa Ana Hills and is contiguous to Santana do Livramento, Brazil. One of Uruguay's largest cities, Rivera is the commercial and manufacturing centre for an agricultural and pastoral hinterland. Grains, vegetables, fruit, and cattle are the principal commodities traded, and the city manufactures textiles, cigars and cigarettes, mosaics, and brooms. The city is linked by rail and highway to Tacuarembó, Montevideo, and other Uruguayan cities as well as to communities in nearby Brazil. The surrounding region has good pastureland and is noted for its sheep and cattle ranches. The leading crops include rice, sweet potatoes, corn (maize), peanuts (groundnuts), wheat, and fruit. Pop. (2004) 64,426.

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