/risk/, n.
reduced instruction set computer: a computer whose central processing unit recognizes a relatively small number of instructions, which it can execute very rapidly. Cf. CISC.

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in full Reduced Instruction Set Computing

Computer architecture that uses a limited number of instructions.

RISC became popular in microprocessors in the 1980s. The traditional CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing) architecture uses many instructions that do long, complex operations. Each RISC instruction is executed much more quickly than a CISC instruction, and most computational tasks can be processed faster. Modern instruction sets combine attributes of CISC and RISC.

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acronym  for Reduced-instruction-set Computing,  

      information processing using any of a family of microprocessors that are designed to execute computing tasks with the simplest instructions in the shortest amount of time possible. RISC is the opposite of CISC (complex-instruction-set computing).

      RISC microprocessors, or chips, take advantage of the fact that most of the instructions for computer processes are relatively simple and computers are designed to handle those simple instructions extremely quickly. RISC chips streamline and accelerate data processing by minimizing the number of instructions permanently stored in the microprocessor and by relying more on nonresident instruction (i.e., software programs, or code).

      In contrast, CISC chips have a large, complex resident instruction set. Therefore, they typically process complex codes more quickly. RISC chips must break the complicated code down into simpler units before they can execute it. Furthermore, software developed for use with RISC computer systems must provide a larger instruction set than software for CISC systems to compensate for the small, simple instructions that are built in.

      RISC evolved primarily through research efforts at the International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation, Stanford University, and the University of California, Berkeley. RISC microprocessors have traditionally been used in workstations and other high-end computer systems, while CISC has dominated the less powerful personal computer (PC) spectrum. But RISC technology was increasingly being integrated into PCs in the mid-1990s. Popular RISC microprocessor families include Sun Microsystems' SPARC (Scalar Processor ARChitecture), Intel's i860, and Motorola's 88000.

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