right whale

right whale
any of several large whalebone whales of the genus Balaena, of circumpolar seas: the species B. glacialis is greatly reduced in numbers.
[1715-25; allegedly so called because it was the "right" whale to hunt, alluding to its relative buoyancy when killed, proximity to land, the value of its blubber, etc.]

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Any of five species (genera Balaena, Eubalaena, and Caperea) of baleen whales (family Balaenidae) with a stout body and an enormous head.

(The name refers to two species considered the "right" whales to hunt because of their value, slowness, and buoyancy after death.) The upper jaw is strongly arched, and the lower lip curves upward along the side, giving the lower jaw a scooplike form. There is no dorsal fin except in the pygmy right whale (Caperea marginata), a small, seldom-seen whale of the Southern Hemisphere. The bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus), inhabiting Arctic and northern temperate waters, is black, with a white chin, throat, and sometimes underparts. It grows to about 65 ft (20 m). The northern right whale (E. glacialis) grows to 60 ft (18 m). Similar to the bowhead but with a smaller, less strongly arched head, it may also have a "bonnet," a horny growth infested with parasites, on its snout. Both species have been protected since 1946.

Southern right whale (Eubalaena australis).

Illustration by Larry Foster

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 any of four species of stout-bodied whales having an enormous head measuring one-quarter to one-third their total body length. From the 17th to 19th century, these whales were hunted for their oil and their strong, elastic baleen (baleen whale). Because of the considerable economic value of these products, this cetacean gained its name because it was theright whaleto take.

 The name right whale refers to the bowhead, or Greenland right whale (Balaena mysticetus), and to the whales of the genus Eubalaena (though originally only to E. glacialis). The bowhead has a black body, a white chin and throat, and, sometimes, a white belly. It can grow to a length of about 20 metres (65.6 feet), up to 40 percent of which is the strongly arched head. About 300 baleen plates line each side of the jaw, each plate measuring up to 4 metres long and 36 cm (14.2 inches) widealthough some 5-metre-long plates have been recorded. Bowheads are restricted to Arctic seas.

      The whales of the genus Eubalaena, on the other hand, live in temperate waters. Because their ranges do not overlap, these right whales are classified into three different species: E. glacialis of the North Atlantic and E. japonica of the North Pacific, both commonly called northern right whales, and E. australis of the Southern Hemisphere, referred to as the southern right whale. Whether found in northern or southern latitudes, these right whales are estimated to reach a maximum length of about 18 metres. They may or may not have white on the undersides, and they resemble the bowhead in form but have a smaller, less strongly arched head and shorter baleen plates (just over 2 metres in length and 30 cm in width). Northern right whales also have abonnet,” a horny growth infested with parasites, on the snout.

      Right whales have a very restricted diet of tiny free-swimming copepods (shrimplike crustaceans) and pteropods (snail-like mollusks). Structural specializations for this diet include the enormously long, narrow plates and fine bristles of their baleen and an unusual skull modificationarched upper jaws necessary to accommodate the baleen.

      Right whales were nearly exterminated by uncontrolled hunting and are now endangered species. They have been completely protected by international agreement since 1946. Whereas at least 10,000 bowheads and 7,000 southern right whales remain, northern right whales are rare, numbering only in the hundreds. The pygmy right whale (Caperea marginata) was considered a close relative of the bowhead and northern right whale but has been reclassified to a family of its own, Neobalaenidae. Like the other right whales, it has relatively long and narrow baleen; but it also has a dorsal fin and possesses many unique skeletal features, such as a long rib cage with extremely flat, wide ribs. This uncommon species is found in temperate waters of the Southern Hemisphere. It has not been well studied, and its population is unknown.

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