
/kwil"werrt', -wawrt'/, n.
any fernlike, aquatic marsh plant of the genus Isoëtes, characterized by clustered, quill-like leaves bearing sporangia in their bases.
[1780-90; QUILL + WORT2]

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      any of about 150 species of plants in the family Isoetaceae, order Isoetales. Quillworts are spore-bearing lycophytes (lycophyte) with grassy, spikelike leaves and are native mostly to swampy, cooler parts of North America and Eurasia. The spirally arranged, quill-like leaves are divided into vertical rows of cavities that are connected to one central conducting strand. The leaves rise from a cormlike or tuberlike base, with roots below. A large, saclike, round-to-oblong sporangium (fern) is sunk into a pit on the inner surface of each leaf base, where a small, thin structure known as a ligule also occurs. Most quillworts grow submerged in water all or part of the year. The terrestrial species tend to grow in seasonally wet habitats, and the plants die back to the corm when the soil dries.

      The common quillworts of Eurasia (I. lacustris) and the very similar North American species (I. macrospora) are aquatic. Their stiff, dark green, recurved, spiky leaves grow around a stumpy corm. Italian quillwort (I. malinverniana) has longer, spiraling leaves that float on the water surface. Sand quillwort (I. histrix), an inconspicuous terrestrial European species, has very narrow 57-cm (23-inch) long leaves that curl back to the ground from a fat, white, tufted base.

      The taxonomy of quillwort species was obscured for many years before the phenomenon of interspecific hybridization was recognized. Numerous sterile quillwort hybrids with abortive spores exist, and in some cases these hybrids have regained fertility through a process of chromosome doubling. As a result, these plants have proliferated as reproductively competent, polyploid species.

George Yatskievych

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