
/kwawr tet"/, n.
1. any group of four persons or things.
2. an organized group of four singers or players.
3. a musical composition for four voices or instruments.
Also, esp. Brit., quartette.
[1765-75; < It quartetto, dim. of quarto < L quartus FOURTH]

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(as used in expressions)

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      a musical composition for four instruments or voices; also, the group of four performers. Although any music in four parts can be performed by four individuals, the term has come to be used primarily in referring to the string quartet (two violins, viola, and cello), which has been one of the predominant genres of chamber music since about 1750. The term may also denote such derivatives as the piano quartet, flute quartet, oboe quartet, and so onusually a string trio combined with a fourth instrument. Or it may denote a quartet of mixed instruments, such as a woodwind or brass quartet, as well as vocal quartets (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass voices). A specialized example is the barbershop quartet (barbershop quartet singing), an unaccompanied vocal quartet of men or women.

      The string quartet genre first flourished in the late 18th century, most notably in the work of the Austrian composer Joseph Haydn (Haydn, Joseph), who composed 68 of them. In his early quartets he wrote soloistic parts for the first violin and typically made the viola dependent on the cello, whose melodic line it frequently doubled.

      A mature Classical style appears in Haydn's Opus 33 quartets (1781), in which he achieved a texture characterized by equal participation of all four instruments and established the genre's standard formal outlines. Specifically, the string quartet follows the sonata's division into several movements and its principles of form and development. Haydn's early quartets follow the divertimento genre in having five movements, but in his Opus 17 (1771) he established four as the standard number. The genre became infused with the sonata principle of contrast between keys (key). Typically, the first movement of a string quartet utilizes sonata form (a structure based on relationships of keys and themes).

      Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)'s quartetsnotably the six dedicated to Haydn and the three dedicated to Frederick William II of Prussiaare cast in the mature form established by Haydn; in turn, Mozart's quartets influenced the older master's later works. Ludwig van Beethoven (Beethoven, Ludwig van)'s six early quartets, Opus 18 (17981800), fall into the established framework, but in the three Razumovsky quartets, Opus 59 (1806), Beethoven greatly expanded the scope and length of the genre. His late quartets puzzled his contemporaries with their terseness, complexity, and deeply personal feeling, but they have always been recognized as being among his greatest works.

      The Classical tradition of the string quartet was inherited by Franz Schubert (Schubert, Franz), Felix Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn, Felix), Johannes Brahms (Brahms, Johannes), Aleksandr Borodin (Borodin, Aleksandr), and many other Romantic composers. In the 19th century there was a tendency (e.g., in the quartets of Antonín Dvořák (Dvořák, Antonín)) to move away from the intimate workmanship of the Classical quartet to a more orchestrally conceived texture. The genre was largely untouched by the Romantic tendency toward program music (compositions that refer to an extramusical idea); a rare exception is Bedřich Smetana (Smetana, Bedřich)'s quartet Z mého života (1876; From My Life).

      Many composers in the 20th and 21st centuries continued to be drawn to the versatile quartet ensemble, but only a few can be mentioned here. Jean Sibelius (Sibelius, Jean) wrote five, including Voces intimae, Opus 56 (1909). Arnold Schoenberg (Schoenberg, Arnold) created a variety of quartets, including his Opus 10 (190708), which added a soprano and is known for establishing a borderline between tonality and atonality, as well as the 12-tone Opus 30 (1927) and Opus 37 (1936). Béla Bartók (Bartók, Béla)'s Quartet No. 4 (1929; he wrote six in all), which explores a wide range of playing techniques, and Alban Berg's programmatic Lyric Suite (1926) are monuments of musical structure and expression.

      In jazz, small instrumental groups (combos) fit easily into varied settings and accommodate many of the music's subgenres. Many quartets add a solo instrument (saxophone, clarinet, trumpet, vibraphone, etc.) to the basic trio of piano, double bass, and drums. Variations may substitute another instrument, such as guitar, for piano.

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