
/klar'euh net"/, n.
a woodwind instrument in the form of a cylindrical tube with a single reed attached to its mouthpiece.
[1790-1800; < F clarinette, equiv. to OF clarin CLARION + -ette -ETTE]

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Single-reed woodwind instrument.

It is a standard member of both orchestras and bands. It has a cylindrical bore and a flared bell, and it is usually made of African blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon, more commonly called renadilla). It has a 312-octave range; its lower register is rich and its top register is brilliant. It developed from the slightly older two-key chalumeau; the German flute maker Johann Christoff Denner (16551707) is said to have invented it at the beginning of the 18th century. The B-flat clarinet is the standard instrument today; the A clarinet often replaces it in sharp keys. Clarinets with the fingering system devised by Theobald Boehm are standard in the U.S., Great Britain, and France; those employing an older fingering style are used in Germany and Russia. Clarinets of other sizes include the C clarinet, much used in the Classical period and often preserved in German orchestration; octave clarinets in A, used in large European bands; and sopranino clarinets in F and later E-flat. The B-flat bass clarinet, with its rich timbre, is the next most frequently employed member of the clarinet family. Contrabass clarinets are made in E-flat or in B-flat.

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French  clarinette,  German  Klarinette,  
 single-reed woodwind instrument used orchestrally and in military and brass bands and possessing a distinguished solo repertory. It is usually made of African blackwood and has a cylindrical bore of about 0.6 inch (1.5 cm) terminating in a flared bell. All-metal instruments are made but are little used professionally. The mouthpiece, usually of ebonite (a hard rubber), has a slotlike opening in one side over which a single reed, made from natural cane, is secured by a screw clip, or ligature, or (in earlier times and still often in Germany) by string lapping. The player grips the mouthpiece, reed down, between his lips or lower lip and upper teeth.

      The instrument that is often referred to as simply a clarinet is tuned in B♭ and is about 26 inches (66 cm) long; its notes, made with the finger holes and key mechanism, sound a step lower than written. The cylindrical pipe, coupled to a reed mouthpiece, acts acoustically as a stopped pipe (closed at one end). This arrangement accounts for (1) the deep-pitched fundamental register; (2) the characteristic tone colour, caused largely by the virtual absence of even-numbered tones of the harmonic series (produced by whole and partial vibrations of the enclosed air column); and (3) theoverblowing” (effected by a thumb key) to an upper register at the 12th (third harmonic) above the fundamentals, instead of at the octave (second harmonic), as in other woodwind instruments. A high register, using fifth and seventh harmonics, extends the compass just over three and one-half octaves upward from the D (written E) below middle C.

 The invention of the clarinet in the early 18th century is ascribed to Johann Christoph Denner (Denner, Johann Christoph), a well-known flute maker in Nürnberg. Previously, single reeds were used only in organs and folk instruments. The clarinet's immediate predecessor was the small mock trumpet, or chalumeau, an adaptation of a folk reed pipe that Denner is credited with improving. His clarinette was longer and intended for playing mainly in the upper register, with the fundamentals (to which the chalumeau was confined) as an adjunct. It thus provided a complete trumpet (clarino) compass with steadier, clearer notes.

      The earliest known music for the clarinet appeared in tune books published by Estienne Roger of Amsterdam (2nd ed., 1716, extant). The instrument was played with the reed up (playing with the reed down is described only after 1800, in Germany) and had two keys, with F below middle C as the lowest note. A short bell was added by 1720, and the important extension of the tube to carry the low E key (also providing the upper B, formerly imperfectly available) followed about 174050. By the late 18th century the instrument had five or six keys and was built in various pitches, the written music being transposed to preserve the same fingerings. Clarinets were used in most large orchestras from about 1780.

 The modern clarinet developed between 1800 and 1850. Further keys were added to improve certain notes. Bores and mouthpieces were enlarged following general trends toward greater tonal power. Technological advances, including keywork mounted on pillars, the ring keys introduced by the flute-maker Theobald Boehm (Boehm, Theobald), and Auguste Buffet's needle springs, led in the 1840s to the appearance in their main essentials of the two principal modern systems.

      The simple, or Albert, system, named for its Brussels maker, Eugène Albert, is a modernization of the earlier 13-key system of the clarinetist-builder Iwan Müller. It is used in German-speaking countries, with a complex accretion of auxiliary keywork but with conservative features in bore, mouthpiece, and reed (the last being smaller and harder than elsewhere) that give a deeper tone quality. The Boehm system, patented by Hyacinthe E. Klosé and Buffet (Paris, 1844) and still standard in most countries, incorporates much of Boehm's 1832 flute fingering system, bringing many technical advantages. It is distinguished from the other system by the ring at the back for the thumb and by the four or five keys for the right little finger. A more elaborate full Boehm model is used mainly in Italy, where orchestral players transpose A clarinet parts on the B♭ instrument.

 Clarinets in sizes other than B♭ and its sharp-key equivalent in A include the C clarinet, much used in the Classical period and often preserved in German orchestration; octave clarinets in A♭, used in large European bands; and sopranino clarinets in F and later E♭, the latter often used with its sharp-key equivalent in D (popular in earlier days). Alto (or tenor) clarinets that followed the late 18th-century clarinette d'amour in A♭, G, or F and the more successful basset horn in F include the wider-bore alto clarinet in F and later E♭, made with upturned metal bell and a curved metal crook holding the mouthpiece. Bass clarinets in B♭ were at first built experimentally but after 1810 were built in many designs. The modern version, with twice-curved crook, was influenced by the 1838 design of the Belgian instrument-maker Adolphe Sax, to which the upturned bell was later added. Contrabass clarinets are made in E♭ or in B♭.

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