
/prahv"deuh/, n.
(formerly) the official newspaper of the Communist party in the U.S.S.R. Cf. Izvestia.

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Former daily newspaper published in Moscow and distributed nationwide, the official organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (191891).

It was founded in St. Petersburg as an underground paper by Vladimir Ilich Lenin and two colleagues in 1912. As a Soviet state newspaper and central source of information and education, it offered well-written articles and analyses on science, economics, cultural topics, and literature as well as materials to indoctrinate and inform readers on communist theory and programs. Topics concerning international relations were largely left to the government paper Izvestiya. After communist power ended in 1991, most of its readership evaporated; it became the voice of the conservative-nationalist opposition and ceased publication in 1996.
(as used in expressions)
AUM Supreme Truth
truth cinema
Truth Sojourner
to speak the truth

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Soviet newspaper
      (Russian: (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) “Truth”), former daily newspaper, published in Moscow and distributed nationwide, that was the official organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1991. Founded in 1912 in St. Petersburg as a workers daily, Pravda became an important organ of the Bolshevik movement. Vladimir Lenin (Lenin, Vladimir Ilich) exercised broad editorial control over the paper. It was repeatedly suppressed by the tsar's police, reappearing each time with a different name, until it finally emerged in Moscow in 1918 to assume its role as the official party paper. It retained this function until the demise of Communist power in the Soviet Union in 1991, after which its readership shrank precipitously. In 1992 the paper was sold to Greek investors Theodoros and Christos Giannikos. Pravda became the voice of conservative-nationalist opposition, yet it continued to suffer declining readership. It finally ceased publication in July 1996.

      As the leading Soviet state newspaper and organ of information and education, Pravda offered its readers well-written articles and analyses on science, economics, cultural topics, and literature. There were letters from readers and officially sponsored and approved materials to indoctrinate and inform its readers on Communist theory and programs. Its treatment of foreign affairs generally was limited to domestic matters within foreign countries. International relations was left to the official Soviet government newspaper Izvestiya (q.v.). Pravda's pages featured pleasing makeup, occasional photography, and attractive typography. It carried no Western-style scandal or sensational news; rather, it sought to encourage unity of thought on the part of its readers by stressing and interpreting the party line. Many of its editorials were reprinted in other Soviet and Soviet-bloc papers.

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Universalium. 2010.

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