
pinkness, n.
/pingk/, n., adj., pinker, pinkest.
1. a color varying from light crimson to pale reddish purple.
2. any of several plants of the genus Dianthus, as the clove pink or carnation. Cf. pink family.
3. the flower of such a plant; carnation.
4. the highest form or degree; prime: a runner in the pink of condition.
5. (often cap.) Also, pinko. Slang (disparaging). a person with left-wing, but not extreme, political opinions.
6. Business Informal. a carbon copy, as of a sales slip or invoice, made on pink tissue paper.
7. pinks,
a. Fox Hunting. See pink coat.
b. pinkish-tan gabardine trousers formerly worn by military officers as part of the dress uniform.
8. the scarlet color of hunting pinks.
9. of the color pink: pink marble.
10. Slang (disparaging). holding, or regarded as holding, mildly leftist views, esp. in politics.
11. tickled pink. See tickle (def. 8).
[1565-75; orig. uncert.]
/pingk/, v.t.
1. to pierce with a rapier or the like; stab.
2. to finish at the edge with a scalloped, notched, or other ornamental pattern.
3. to punch (cloth, leather, etc.) with small holes or figures for ornament.
4. Chiefly Brit. Dial. to adorn or ornament, esp. with scalloped edges or a punched-out pattern.
[1275-1325; ME pynken to prick, deriv. of OE pinca point, itself deriv. of pinn PIN]
/pingk/, n.
a vessel with a pink stern.
Also, pinky. Cf. pink stern.
[1425-75; late ME pinck < MD pinke fishing boat]

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      any of several flowering plants of the genus Dianthus in the pink family (Caryophyllaceae), grown widely in garden borders. The approximately 300 species in the genus are nearly all natives of the Eastern Hemisphere and are found chiefly in the Mediterranean region. They are mostly short herbaceous perennials, many of which are tufted or mat-forming hardy evergreens, often with very showy flowers. There are also some annual forms. Especially noteworthy are the fragrant-flowered grass, or cottage, pink (D. plumarius); maiden, or meadow, pink (D. deltoides); and rainbow, or China, pink (D. chinensis). Most pinks are suited to rock gardens. The small but showy and often fragrant flowers are mostly pink to deep rose, some being red, purple, white, or yellow. Pinks are widely grown in American and European gardens, being of relatively easy culture. Both annual and perennial Dianthus species may be grown from seed sown in the spring in ordinary moist garden soil in a sunny location. The perennials will bloom the following summer and may be increased by cuttings or division of clumps.

      Other plants of the genus Dianthus are also sometimes referred to as pinks. The popular carnation, for example, is often called clove pink in reference to its spicy scent, and sweet William, a garden favourite, is often called bunch pink.

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