
Pietist, n.pietistic, pietistical, adj.pietistically, adv.
/puy"i tiz'euhm/, n.
1. a movement, originating in the Lutheran Church in Germany in the 17th century, that stressed personal piety over religious formality and orthodoxy.
2. the principles and practices of the Pietists.
3. (l.c.) intensity of religious devotion or feeling.
4. (l.c.) exaggeration or affectation of piety.
[1690-1700; < G Pietismus < L piet(as) PIETY + G -ismus -ISM]
Syn. 4. sanctimony.

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Reform movement in German Lutheranism that arose in the 17th century.

Philipp Jakob Spener (16351705), a Lutheran pastor, originated the movement when he organized an "assembly of piety," a regular meeting of Christians for devotional reading and spiritual exchange. Spener advocated greater involvement of the laity in worship, more extensive study of scripture, and ministerial training that emphasized piety and learning rather than disputation. Under Spener's successor, August Hermann Francke (16631727), the University of Halle became a centre of the movement. Pietism influenced the Moravian and Methodist churches (see Methodism).

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German  Pietismus  

      influential religious reform movement that began among German Lutherans in the 17th century. It emphasized personal faith against the main Lutheran church (Lutheranism)'s perceived stress on doctrine and theology over Christian living. Pietism quickly spread and later became concerned with social and educational matters. As a phenomenon of personal religious renewal, its indirect influence has persisted in Germany and other parts of Europe into the 21st century.

      A brief treatment of Pietism follows. For full treatment, see Protestantism.

      Pietistic movements have appeared throughout Christian history whenever religion seemed to become divorced from experience. By the beginning of the 17th century, Lutheranism had created a scholastic system useful for contending with Roman Catholic (Roman Catholicism) and Reformed (Reformed and Presbyterian churches) opponents but not for spiritual nourishment. Consequently, many German Lutherans sought an alternative expression of faith and drew from both internal and external impulses to create one. English Puritanism reached the European continent through the translation of works by Richard Baxter (Baxter, Richard), John Bunyan (Bunyan, John), and others. Religious exiles in the Netherlands, among them William Ames (Ames, William), developed Dutch Pietism, which soon spread into Germany as part of the movement that had begun to take shape among Lutherans there asReform Orthodoxy.” Thepectoral heart theologyof these orthodox Lutherans found its highest expression and widest audience in the writings of Johann Arndt (Arndt, Johann) (15551621). Lutheran hymnody of the period contributed significantly to the atmosphere of spiritual renewal. Notable signs of renewal, including interest in devotional literature and the mystical tradition, also emerged out of the devastation wrought in Germany by the Thirty Years' War (161848).

      The various streams of the renewal movement initially converged in the life and work of Philipp Jakob Spener (Spener, Philipp Jakob) (16351705). As a pastor in Frankfurt am Main, Spener became distressed by the degeneracy and the absence of piety in the city; in response, he organized the first collegia pietatis (“assemblies of piety”), in which Christians met regularly for devotional reading and spiritual exchange. The practice quickly characterized the movement, and those who attended the conventicles acquired the name Pietists.

      In his most famous work, Pia Desideria (1675; Pious Desires), Spener assessed contemporary orthodoxy's weaknesses and advanced proposals for reform. His proposals included greater private and public use of the Scriptures, greater assumption by the laity of their priestly responsibilities as believers, greater efforts to bear the practical fruits of a living faith, ministerial training that emphasized piety and learning rather than intellectuality, and edifying, spiritual preaching. The collegia pietatis were the ideal instruments for such reforms.

      From Spener the leadership of German Pietism eventually passed to August Hermann Francke (Francke, August Hermann) (16631727) of the University of Halle (Halle-Wittenberg, Martin Luther University of). Francke's capable leadership made Halle a thriving institutional centre of Pietism. Among the illustrious figures sent out from Halle was Henry Melchior Mühlenberg, the organizer of colonial American Lutheranism.

      Another Halle alumnus, Nikolaus Ludwig, Graf (count) von Zinzendorf (Zinzendorf, Nikolaus Ludwig, Graf (Count) von) (170060), founded the Moravian church among Moravian refugees on his estate in Saxony. Unlike the Halle Pietists, who called for penitential remorse, Zinzendorf's followers preached that Christ's atonement was the only requisite for salvation. Zinzendorf's efforts provided Pietism with its greatest direct influence outside Germany.

      John Wesley (Wesley, John), the founder of Methodism, received inspiration among the Moravians and incorporated Pietistic elements, such as the emphasis on saving grace, into his movement. Other denominations felt the influence of Pietism in their pastoral theology, mission activity, and modes of worship. Pietism reached its zenith by the mid-18th century, but the movement continued to exist and still survives, both explicitly in Germany and in the Moravian church elsewhere and implicitly in Evangelical Protestantism at large. The religious revival movements of the 19th and 20th centuries were influenced by Pietism and in turn influenced it.

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  • pietism — [pī′ə tiz΄əm] n. [Ger pietismus: see PIETIST] 1. [P ] the beliefs and practices of the Pietists 2. an exaggerated pious feeling or attitude pietistic [pī΄ətis′tik] adj. pietistical pietistically adv …   English World dictionary

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