Piero di Cosimo

Piero di Cosimo
/pee air"oh di koh"zeuh moh'/; It. /pye"rddaw dee kaw"zee maw/, (Piero di Lorenzo)
1462-1521, Italian painter.

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orig. Piero di Lorenzo

born 1462, Florence, Republic of Florence
died 1521, Florence

Italian painter.

His name derives from that of his master, Cosimo Rosselli, whom he assisted on frescoes for the Sistine Chapel. His later mythological paintings exhibit a bizarre Romantic style. Many are filled with fantastic hybrid human-animal forms engaging in revels (The Discovery of Honey, с 1500) or fights (Battle of the Centaurs and the Lapiths, с 1500). His art reflects his eccentric personality. He belonged to no school of painting but borrowed from many artists, including Sandro Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci.

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Italian painter
original name  Piero di Lorenzo  
born 1462, Florence
died 1521, Florence
 Italian Renaissance painter noted for his eccentric character and his fanciful mythological paintings.

      His name derives from that of his master, Cosimo Rosselli, whom he assisted (1481) in the frescoesCrossing of the Red SeaandSermon on the Mountin the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. There he saw the frescoes of Sandro Botticelli and Domenico Ghirlandaio, whose styles dominate his earlyStory of Jason” (1486; National Gallery of South Africa, Cape Town). InThe Visitation with Two Saints” (c. 1487; National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.), the permanent influence of the enamel-like colours of Hugo van der Goes' “Portinari Altarpieceis first visible.

      Piero's mature style is exemplified by his mythological paintings, which exhibit a bizarre, romantic fantasy. Many are based on Vitruvius' account of the evolution of man. They are filled with fantastic hybrid forms of men and animals engaged in revels (“The Discovery of Wine,” c. 1500; Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Mass.) or in fighting (“Battle of the Centaurs and the Lapiths,” 1486; National Gallery, London). Others show early man learning to use fire (“A Forest Fire,” c. 1487; Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) and tools (“Vulcan and Aeolus,” c. 1486; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa). The multitude of firm, glossy-skinned nudes in these paintings show Piero's interest in Luca Signorelli's work. But, whileThe Discovery of Honey” (c. 1500; Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Mass.) retains Signorelli's figure types, its forms are more softly modeled, and its light is warmer, showing Piero's mastery of the new technique of oil painting. In theRescue of Andromeda” (c. 1515; Uffizi, Florence), Piero adopts Leonardo da Vinci's sfumato (smoky light and shade) to achieve a new lush, atmospheric effect.

      Piero painted several portraits, of which the best known is the memorial bust of Simonetta Vespucci (c. 1498; Condé Museum, Chantilly, France), mistress of Giuliano de' Medici. Simonetta is partly nude, and her rhythmic profile is accentuated by the black cloud placed behind it. She wears a gold necklace, around which two snakes coil, possibly an allusion to her death from consumption. The transience of youth and beauty is the theme of the famousDeath of Procris” (c. 14901500; National Gallery, London). The softly undulating form of the accidentally slain Procris lies in a meadow bathed in a golden light while a curious satyr kneels beside her and her faithful dogconsidered the first humanized dog in artmourns at her feet.

      Piero's art reflects his bizarre, misanthropic personality. He belonged to no school of painting and operated outside the official artistic milieu. Instead, he borrowed from many artists, incorporating elements of their style into his own idiosyncratic manner. He painted many works to please only himself (an unusual practice for the time) and declared that he often found inspiration for his paintings in the stains on walls.

Additional Reading
Sharon Fermor, Piero di Cosimo: Fiction, Invention, and Fantasia (1993).

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