
/fil'euhk tee"teez/, n.
1. Class. Myth. a noted archer and squire of Hercules. Bitten by a snake and abandoned on an island because of his festering wound, he was at length brought by the Greeks to Troy, where he recovered and later killed Paris.
2. (italics) a tragedy (408? B.C.) by Sophocles.

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Greek hero
      Greek legendary hero who played a decisive part in the final stages of the Trojan War.

      He (or his father, Poeas) had been bequeathed the bow and arrows of the Greek hero Heracles in return for lighting his funeral pyre; Philoctetes thus became a notable archer. En route to Troy he was incapacitated by a snakebite, and he was left behind on the island of Lemnos. After a seer revealed that Troy could be taken only with the aid of Heracles' bow and arrows, the Greek warriors Odysseus and either Diomedes or Neoptolemus went to Philoctetes and persuaded him to accompany them to Troy. There he was healed of his wound and killed Paris (son of Priam, king of Troy), by which action he paved the way for the city's fall. He subsequently returned home but later wandered as a colonist to southern Italy, where he ultimately died in battle.

      The theme of this story was used by the ancient Greek writer Sophocles in his Philoctetes.

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