Philip IV

Philip IV
1. (Philip the Fair) 1268-1314, king of France 1285-1314.
2. 1605-65, king of Spain 1621-65 (son of Philip III).

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French Philippe known as Philip the Fair

born 1268, Fontainebleau, France
died Nov. 29, 1314, Fontainebleau

King of France (12851314).

On inheriting the French throne, he modeled himself on his grandfather, Louis IX. He was also king of Navarre (as Philip I, 12841305), ruling jointly with his wife, Joan I of Navarre. War with England (12941303) ended with a peace treaty and the betrothal of his daughter to the future Edward II. Philip forced a harsh treaty on Flanders in 1305. He conducted a long struggle with Boniface VIII (12971303) that led to the breakdown of the medieval papacy. He was pacified by succeeding popes, including Clement V, who began the Avignon papacy. Philip expelled the Jews from France (1306), and his persecution of the Knights Templar in 1307 led to their suppression by the pope four years later.

born April 8, 1605, Valladolid, Spain
died Sept. 17, 1665, Madrid

King of Spain (162165) and of Portugal (as Philip II, 162140).

He succeeded his father, Philip III, and left the administration of his rule to his chief ministers, the duke de Olivares (162143) and the duke's nephew Luis Méndez de Haro (164361). Spain's industry and commerce declined, and wars against Holland, France, and Germany further drained Spain's economy. Portugal regained its independence (1640), and Holland was lost by the Peace of Westphalia (1648). A poet and patron of the arts, Philip was the friend and frequent subject of Diego Velázquez.

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king of France
byname  Philip The Fair,  French  Philippe Le Bel 
born 1268, Fontainebleau, Fr.
died Nov. 29, 1314, Fontainebleau
 king of France from 1285 to 1314 (and of Navarre, as Philip I, from 1284 to 1305, ruling jointly with his wife, Joan I of Navarre). His long struggle with the Roman papacy ended with the transfer of the Curia to Avignon, Fr. (beginning the so-called Babylonian Captivity, 130978). He also secured French royal power by wars on barons and neighbours and by restriction of feudal usages. His three sons were successively kings of France: Louis X, Philip V, and Charles IV.

Early years.
      Born at Fontainebleau while his grandfather was still ruling, Philip, the second son of Philip III the Bold and grandson of St. Louis (Louis IX), was not yet three when his mother, Isabella of Aragon, died on her return from the crusade on which Louis IX had perished. The motherless Philip and his three brothers saw little of their father, who, stricken by Isabella's death, threw himself into campaigning and administrative affairs. His troubled childhood and the series of blows he suffered explain in some measure the conflicting elements in his adult personality. In 1274 his father married Marie de Brabant, a beautiful and cultivated woman, and, with her arrival at court, intrigue began to flourish. In the same year, the two-year-old Joan, heiress of Champagne and Navarre, was welcomed as a refugee. Reared with the royal children, she would, when she was 12, become the bride of Philip the Fair.

      In 1276 Philip's older brother, Louis, died, and the shock of this event, which suddenly made Philip heir of the kingdom, was compounded by persistent rumours of poisoning and suspicions that Philip's stepmother intended to see Isabella's remaining sons destroyed. Vague allegations were circulated that Louis's death was linked with certain unspecifiedunnatural actsof his father. These rumours, never satisfactorily put to rest, together with the unexpected change in Philip's fortunes, apparently served to arouse in him feelings of insecurity and mistrust.

      Consequently, Philip turned elsewhere in search of a model for his own conduct. He found it in Louis IX, whose memory was increasingly venerated as the number of miracles attributed to him mounted. Reports of Louis's exacting standards of rulership and his saintly virtues were reinforced by the precepts of the religious advisers who surrounded the adolescent Philip. A more self-confident person might have been able to discriminate realistically among the sometimes artificially exaggerated stories and the utopian ideals. Philip, however, became convinced that it was his God-given duty to attain the lofty goals of his grandfather.

      When Philip was 16, he was knighted and married to Joan of Navarre (Joan I). In 1285 he accompanied his father to the south on a campaign to install Philip's brother Charles on the throne of Aragon. He had no sympathy with the enterprise, however, which was backed by his stepmother and aimed against the King of Aragon, his late mother's brother. When his father died in October 1285, Philip immediately abandoned the venture.

Wars with England and Flanders.
      In the first years of Philip's reign the Aragonese affair was settled, and Philip intensified his predecessors' efforts to reform and rationalize the administration of the realm. He dispatched investigators to inquire into the conduct of royal officials and into infringements upon royal prerogatives. Philip persisted in seeking such reforms, which strengthened the monarchy's position but angered the nobles, townsmen, and ecclesiastics who had profited from the laxer policies of earlier kings.

      War with England began in 1294, initiating a 10-year period of conflict that severely strained Philip's resources. There had been some naval clashes, but full-scale war might well have been avoided had not Philip, perhaps in a fit of youthful bravado, decided to demonstrate his power over England's mighty Edward I, his vassal, for control of the duchy of Gascony. Philip's victories in 1297 may have satisfied his ambitions, but they brought no territorial gain, for the many lands that Philip had seized were returned. Nevertheless, the war was significant. First, the peace treaty of 1303 stipulated that Philip's daughter Isabella should marry the future Edward II of Englandan alliance that resulted in years of peace between the two kingdoms. Second, during the war, Philip's vassal Guy of Dampierre, count of Flanders, had allied himself with Edward I, a move that Philip considered to be base treachery and that resulted in a breach between the two that persisted until long after Philip's death.

      Before the peace, but after fighting with England had ceased, Philip made a move to crush the Flemings, only to see a host of his nobles fall at Courtrai in 1302. This stunning defeat was redeemed two years later at Mons-en-Pévèle, where Philip showed exceptional personal courage. Finally, in 1305, Philip forced Flanders to accept a harsh peace treaty that exacted heavy reparations and humiliating penalties.

      In financing the prolonged effort against Flanders, Philip had held assemblies and had bartered privileges and promises of reform for support in the war. Most important, in abandoning the property taxes that earlier had been levied for defense, he enforced the principle that all must fight to defend France but might purchase exemption if they wished. This successful policy was later employed as a regular wartime expedient by the French monarchy.

Conflict with the papacy.
      Philip's rupture with Boniface VIII can be considered a third consequence of the English war. Because the hostilities interfered with papal plans for a crusade, Boniface intervened aggressively and sometimes tactlessly to promote peace. In February 1296 he issued the bull Clericis Laicos, prohibiting lay taxation of clergy without papal approval. Both Edward I and Philip, affronted by this threat to their authority and their treasuries, responded with retaliatory measures, forcing Boniface to retreat and, in July 1297, to proclaim the legitimacy of clerical taxation without the pope's permission when the ruler attested its necessity.

      To mollify Philip, Boniface supported him against the Flemings and canonized Philip's grandfather Louis IX in 1297. The Pope's position in France was even weaker than he realized, for, at least as early as 1297, his enemies had spread charges against him, such as that he questioned the immortality of the soul or that he had plotted the death of his predecessor on the papal throne. Philip, for his part, had not rejected these stories out of hand.

      New grounds for dispute developed in 1301, when Philip arrested Bernard Saisset (Saisset, Bernard), bishop of Pamiers, as a suspected traitor. Boniface, his confidence buoyed after the triumphant papal jubilee of 1300, determined not only to force Philip to send Saisset to Rome, but also to launch a frontal attack on the king's authority. In December 1301 Boniface suspended Philip's right to tax ecclesiastics and summoned the French clergy to Rome to discuss the King's governance and the state of the French Church. Saisset was permitted to go to Rome, but Boniface's other measures encountered immediate resistance. Philip had a papal bull burned and ceremoniously invoked curses on any of his sons who dared subordinate the kingdom to any power other than God's.

      In April 1302 he rallied public support in a large assembly. Undaunted by his humiliating defeat by the Flemings at Courtrai and by Boniface's declaration of the universal supremacy of the Roman pontiff in the bull Unam Sanctam, Philip held additional assemblies in the spring of 1303. He issued his own grand ordinance of reform that included remedies for administrative weaknesses enumerated by the Pope. Then, in response to appeals by his ministers Guillaume de Nogaret (Nogaret, Guillaume de) and Guillaume de Plaisians, Philip pledged to see Boniface judged for the heretical words and criminal and immoral deeds with which he had been charged.

      Boniface's plans to issue a personal sentence of excommunication against Philip were forestalled when Nogaret appeared in Anagni and seized Boniface on Sept. 7, 1303. Nogaret probably intended to press Boniface to submit to conciliar judgment, but his plans were frustrated when troops, rallied by Boniface's Italian enemies, turned to violence and pillage. Two days later townsmen of Anagni freed the Pope, whose death the following month saved him from having to appear before a council to answer Philip's charges. Accusations against Boniface's memory, however, proved a useful negotiating device in dealing with his successor, Benedict XI (Benedict XI, Blessed), and even more so with Clement V, the Gascon-born pope who pleased Philip by transferring the papal curia from Rome to Avignon (Avignon papacy), a city near Philip's realm. Charges against Boniface were pressed until 1311, when Clement declared Philip's zeal praiseworthy and nullified all the offensive bulls that Boniface had issued after November 1301.

      The years of peace between 1304 and 1313 allowed Philip not only to pursue his posthumous vendetta against Boniface but also to formulate plans to establish himself as the undisputed champion of orthodoxy. Before 1304 Philip had given thought to the moral implications of his deeds, taking steps to indemnify those harmed by coinage changes and advancing approved justifications of other wartime measures. After 1304 his scrupulousness became more apparent. He secured bulls from Pope Clement that absolved him from future crusading vows, annulled any obligation to return sums wrongfully taken from ecclesiastics for his wars, andafter lengthy negotiationdeclared the Flemings subject to ecclesiastical sanctions if they failed to observe the peace treaty of 1305. In 1306 reformation of the coinage, long advocated by the church, was begun, and in later years Philip sought his subjects' advice concerning monetary policy. Philip's intensified preoccupation with questions of conscience and morals may have been prompted by the death in April 1305 of Queen Joan, a determined woman of scholarly inclinations and a devotee of St. Louis. Philip never married again, and in the months after his wife's death he considered abdicating and assuming the kingship of the Holy Land as head of a consolidated crusading order.

Persecution of the Jews (Jew) and Knights Templars.
      Philip soon found more practical ways of venting his grief and proving his dedication to God, while also advancing the material interests of a realm that was impoverished by long years of warfare. In 1306 he expelled all Jews from France, seizing their property and confiscating the monies owed to them. Philip's devotion to St. Louis was witnessed that same year by elaborate ceremonies in his honour, and Louis's anti-Semitic proclivities might have inspired Philip to act against the Jews, whose usefulness as a source of regular revenue had in any case been exhausted by his earlier repeated impositions.

      Similarly mixed motivations influenced Philip to attack the Knights Templars (Templar), the wealthy, powerful, independent crusading order that had long acted as the French monarchy's financial agent. Philip's newfound interest in uniting the crusading orders made him mistrustful of the Templars' opposition to such plans. Thus, he was receptive to charges of heresy and sodomy presented against them in 1305. His tentative overtures to Clement V were fruitless, but, with the support of Nogaret and his own Dominican confessorwho was also the papal inquisitor in FrancePhilip decided in September 1307 to seize all Knights Templars in France and to exhort his fellow rulers to follow his lead.

      At first dubious and reluctant, Clement V eventually supported Philip; he had been told of outraged anti-Templars appeals voiced in a large assembly of Philip's subjects, and he had heard damning confessions from the mouths of representatives of the order, many of whom had been tortured. Far-flung tribunals had gathered enough materials to cast doubts on the Templars' dedication, and, although not condemned as heretical, the order was quashed and its property assigned to the Knights Hospitallers. Whatever Philip's reasons for launching his attack against the order, his action brought him substantial financial gain despite Clement V's repeated attempts to protect the Templars' interests.

      During the interwar years Philip asserted his independence of the Holy Roman Empire in diplomatic exchanges with imperial princes and the emperors themselves. He also fortified his eastern border by arranging marriages for his sons that extended French influence over the county of Burgundy and by exerting his authority over the city of Lyon. Less successful were his attempts to implement his dream of gaining control of the empire. He failed to have his brother Charles elected emperor in 1308, nor did he succeed on behalf of his second son Philip in 1313.

Last years.
      This disappointment presaged the troubles of Philip's last year as king. In June 1313 his fortunes had reached a high point. Having knighted his sons, taken the crusader's cross, and issued coinage-reform ordinances, he witnessed the triumphal departure of his sons against the Flemings, who had been excommunicated for their failure to observe the treaty of 1305. When the Flemings capitulated and accepted a truce, Philip magnanimously ordered the return of money collected for the army. After these successes and demonstrations of royal grace, 1314 brought only troubles. Philip's stubborn resolve to defend morality and the faith was shown when, with royal acquiescence, the grand master of the Templars, Jacques de Molay (Molay, Jacques de), was burned at the stake after retracting his earlier confession. Far graver were the public trial and execution of two young squires convicted of adultery with Philip's daughters-in-law.

      The death of Clement V was another blow, but an even greater one was the Flemings' fresh uprising. With his subjects' agreement, Philip mounted another campaign, but the negotiation of a truce caused difficulties. There were rumours of treason involving one of Philip's ministers and insistent demands for the restitution of all money collected for the war. Philip, who needed the funds, delayed, and a coordinated movement of opposition developed. Nobles in northern and eastern France presented their grievances to the King, who by early November was lying ill at Poissy, St. Louis's birthplace, recovering from a minor stroke. Having regained strength, he travelled to his own birthplace, Fontainebleau, and there, a day before his death, he halted collection of his last tax and provided for a crusading expedition to be conducted in his name.

      Philip was aloof, sternly reserved, and physically strikingtall, fine-featured, and blondhence his name, “the Fair.” Frankly enjoying the trappings of monarchy, he built and maintained the palaces befitting his estate, but his chief concern was for the dignity of his office. He believed that he and his kingdom were guarded by God and chosen as special defenders of the Catholic faith. He valued the curative powers that he believed God's grace had given him. Proud of his orthodoxy and inspired by a priestly sense of mission, he was receptive to accusations of sin and heresy levelled against others, and he prosecuted ruthlessly those charged with such failings.

      A visionary idealist, he also possessed a fundamental sense of the possible and the necessary, and those of his grandiose schemes that exceeded the bounds of practicality were abandoned. As authoritarian and determined as he sometimes appeared, he lacked the firmness and independence of judgment that a surer sense of confidence in himself might have afforded him. He often turned for guidance to the intelligent and able ministers whom he promoted and protected, and he solicited the support of his subjects, who were called together with unprecedented frequence to endorse and sometimes to help construct royal policy. Such consultation may have been politically expedient, but, like the expressions of reassurance obtained from spiritual authorities, it also served to convince Philip of the legitimacy of his actions.

      Philip was, by all accounts, an impressive ruler. Some Italian writers detested him and his line, but most contemporaries acknowledged his piety and good intentions, although many of them disapproved of his wars, his taxes, and his influential advisers. In the later years of the 14th century, when memory of these sources of complaint had faded, his reign was considered a golden age of freedom from burdensome and unjust taxation. Historians of recent times have differed in their judgments, and nationalistic and ecclesiastical biases have affected many assessments. It now seems possible to conclude, however, that the most striking accomplishments of his reign bear the ultimate impress of the complex personality of a scrupulous, suspicious, rigorous, visionary, determined man who fervently believed himself called by God to act as judge of the morals and welfare of his subjects.

Elizabeth A.R. Brown

Additional Reading
Robert Fawtier, L'Europe occidentale de 1270 à 1380, pt. 1, De 1270 à 1328, vol. 6 of Gustave Glotz (ed.), Histoire générale, histoire du moyen âge (1940), a balanced, stimulating, comprehensive evaluation by a renowned scholar who devoted his life to studying the Capetian dynasty; Joseph R. Strayer, Medieval Statecraft and the Perspectives of History, pp. 107122, 195247, 291314 (1971), essays illuminating different aspects of Philip's reign and providing excellent bibliographical information, written by a U.S. medievalist who has been a pathfinder in Capetian scholarship.

king of Spain and Portugal

born April 8, 1605, Valladolid, Spain
died Sept. 17, 1665, Madrid
 king of Spain (162165) and of Portugal (162140), during the decline of Spain as a great world power.

      He succeeded his father, Philip III of Spain, in 1621, and, for the first 22 years of his reign, Philip's valido, or chief minister, was the Conde-Duque de Olivares, who took the spread of the Thirty Years' War as an opportunity not only for resuming hostilities against the Dutch at the end of the Twelve Years' Truce of 1609 (1621) but also for an ambitious attempt to restore Spanish hegemony in Europe, in close alliance with the imperial branch of the Habsburg dynasty. The Spanish armies won some conspicuous victoriesfor instance, the capture of Breda from the Dutch (1626) and the defeat of the Swedes and Weimarians at Nördlingen (1634)—but France declared open war in 1635, and Spain's early successes were offset, from 1640, by the separatist rebellions of Catalonia and of Portugal (Portugal becoming independent in 1640 under John IV of the House of Bragança).

      Philip dismissed Olivares in 1643 and replaced him with Don Luis Méndez de Haro, who remained in office until his death in 1661. Thereafter the King had no valido, but frequently relied on the advice of a nun and mystic, María de Ágreda, who corresponded with him on both spiritual matters and affairs of state. By the end of his reign Spain, weakened by military reverses and economic and social distress, had become a second-class power.

      Philip's first wife was Elizabeth (Spanish, Isabel), daughter of Henry IV of France; after her death in 1644, he married Maria Anna (Mariana), daughter of the Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand III. A poet and patron of the arts, Philip was the friend and patron of the painter Velázquez, many of whose works portray Philip and members of his court.

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