
/pep'euh roh"mee euh/, n.
any of numerous tropical and subtropical plants belonging to the genus Peperomia, of the pepper family, cultivated as houseplants for their ornamental foliage.
[ < NL < Gk péper(i) PEPPER + (h)om(ós) same (see HOMO-; the intended sense is prob. that of hómoios like, similar) + NL -ia -IA]

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plant genus
      genus of the pepper family (Piperaceae), comprising some 1,600 species of tropical and subtropical fleshy herbs, annuals as well as perennials. Some are epiphytic (growing on the branches of trees). The leaves, sometimes attractively coloured with veins or spots, are oval, thick, fleshy, and smooth-edged. The thick stalk of the leaf is in some species attached to the centre of the underside of the leaf. Flowers are minute and densely packed on a slender spike, which is likely to be curved.

      A few species, particularly P. argyreia (sometimes called P. sandersii), are popular houseplants because of their attractive foliage. P. argyreia, native to Brazil, grows about 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inches) tall. Dark red leafstalks support alternate leaves, which are up to 10 cm (4 inches) long and 7.5 cm (3 inches) wide. The leaves are handsomely marked with broad, creamy bands parallel to the veins.

      P. obtusifolia (sometimes P. magnoliifolia), another popular cultivated species, is also native to the tropics. It lies close to the soil and has wrinkled, reddish stems. The minute flowers are red. The leaves, about 7.5 to 12.5 cm (3 to 5 inches) long, have small notches near the tip and are red along the margins. The young leaves and stems of P. vividispica are used as food in Central and South America.

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Universalium. 2010.

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