
parallactic /par'euh lak"tik/, adj.parallactically, adv.
/par"euh laks'/, n.
1. the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer.
2. Astron. the apparent angular displacement of a celestial body due to its being observed from the surface instead of from the center of the earth (diurnal parallax or geocentric parallax) or due to its being observed from the earth instead of from the sun (annual parallax or heliocentric parallax). Cf. parallactic ellipse.
3. the difference between the view of an object as seen through the picture-taking lens of a camera and the view as seen through a separate viewfinder.
4. an apparent change in the position of cross hairs as viewed through a telescope, when the focusing is imperfect.
[1585-95; < Gk parállaxis change, equiv. to parallak- (s. of parallássein to cause to alternate, equiv. to para- PARA-1 + allássein to vary, akin to állos other; see ELSE, ALLO-) + -sis -SIS]

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Difference in the direction of a celestial object as seen by observers from two widely separated points, a measurement used to find a body's distance.

The two positions of the observers and that of the object form a triangle; its apex angle (at the object) is twice the parallax, which becomes smaller with increasing distance. Observations for calculating the Sun's parallax can be made simultaneously from two different places on Earth's surface; that value reaches a maximum of 8.794 seconds of arc for observers at points separated by Earth's diameter. Observing the difference in an object's position as seen from Earth at points six months apart in its orbit (stellar, or annual, parallax) allows measurements of distances (e.g., of stars) too large to be made from two places on Earth's surface. The nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, has a stellar parallax of 0.76 second of arc. Highly precise parallaxes, and thus the positions, of more than 100,000 stars in the Sun's vicinity were determined from data collected by the European Space Agency's Hipparcos satellite (launched 1989).

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      in astronomy, the difference in direction of a celestial object as seen by an observer from two widely separated points. The measurement of parallax is used directly to find the distance of the body from the Earth (geocentric parallax) and from the Sun (heliocentric parallax). The two positions of the observer and the position of the object form a triangle; if the base line between the two observing points is known and the direction of the object as seen from each has been measured, the apex angle (the parallax) and the distance of the object from the observer can be found simply.

      In the determination of a celestial distance by parallax measurement, the base line is taken as long as possible in order to obtain the greatest precision of measurement. For the Sun and Moon, the base line used is the distance between two widely separated points on the Earth; for all bodies outside the solar system, the base line is the axis of the Earth's orbit. The largest measured stellar parallax is 0.76″, for the nearest star, Alpha Centauri; the smallest that can be directly measured is about 25 times smaller, but indirect methods discussed below permit calculation of the parallax, inversely proportional to the distance, for more and more distant objects but also with more and more uncertainty.

 The parallax of the Sun or Moon is defined as the difference in direction as seen from the observer and from the Earth's centre. In Figure 1—>, let O be the observer on the surface of the Earth, E the centre of the Earth, and M the position of the Moon; then the angle OME is the parallax. This varies with the altitude of the Moon. If the Moon is directly overhead, the parallax is zero, and parallax is greatest when the body is on the horizon. At an angular distance z from the zenith, Z, we find from the triangle OME that sin p = a/r sin z. When z = 90°, sin p = a/r and this value is called the horizontal parallax or, briefly, the parallax. For all bodies except the Moon, p is so small that it does not differ appreciably from sin p, and it is usually expressed in angular measure. The definitions of lunar and solar parallax must be further refined because of the spheroidal figure of the Earth. The numerical values generally given are those of the equatorial horizontal parallax. The solar parallax is usually derived from measurements of the positions of other bodies of the solar system.

Lunar parallax
 The first parallax determination was for the Moon, by far the nearest celestial body. Hipparchus (150 BC) determined the Moon's parallax to be 58for a distance of approximately 59 times the Earth's equatorial radius as compared with the modern value of 5702.6″; that is, a mean value of 60.2 times. Lunar parallax is directly determined from observations (see Figure 2—>) made at two places, such as G, Greenwich, Eng., and C, the Cape of Good Hope, that are nearly on the same meridian. Angles z1 and z2 are observed, and other data are obtained from the latitudes of the observatories and the known size and shape of the Earth. In practice, stars near the Moon are observed also to eliminate errors of refraction and instruments.

      Another method rests on a comparison of the force of gravity at the Earth's surface with its value at the Moon. If M and m are the masses of the Earth and Moon, r the mean distance, P the sidereal period of revolution of the Moon about the Earth and k the constant of gravitation, k(M + m) = 4π2r3/P2 where π = 3.14. Also, g, the value of gravity at the Earth's surface, determined from pendulum observations, is equal to kM/a2. Hence

      As the quantities on the right-hand side are known with great accuracy, a/r is accurately determined as 572.7″.

      Radar measures of the distance from the Earth to the Moon have provided a recent value of the lunar parallax. Radar ranges have the advantage of being a direct distance measure, although the ranges are affected by variations in the surface topography of the Moon and require assumptions about the lunar radius and the centre of mass.

      The International Astronomical Union in 1964 adopted a value of 5702.608for the lunar parallax corresponding to a mean distance of 384,400 kilometres.

Solar parallax
      The basic method used for determining solar parallax is the determination of trigonometric parallax. In accordance with the law of gravitation, the relative distances of the planets from the Sun are known, and the distance of the Sun from the Earth can be taken as the unit of length. The measurement of the distance or parallax of any planet will determine the value of this unit. The smaller the distance of the planet from the Earth, the larger will be the parallactic displacements to be measured, with a corresponding increase in accuracy of the determined parallax. The most favourable conditions are therefore provided by the observation, near the time of opposition, of planets approaching close to the Earth. The determination can be based either on simultaneous or nearly simultaneous observations from two different places on the Earth's surface, or on observations made after sunset and before sunrise at the same place, when the displacement of the place of observation produced by the rotation of the Earth provides the base line for the measurements.

      The first reasonably accurate determination of the Sun's parallax was made in 1672 from observations of Mars at Cayenne, French Guiana, and Paris, from which a value of 9.5was obtained.

      Methods depending on velocity of light are also employed to ascertain solar parallax. The value of the velocity of light has been determined with very high precision and may be utilized in several different ways. A direct method is the converse of the procedure of Ole Rømer in the discovery of the velocity of light; i.e., to use the light equation, or time taken by the light to reach us at the varying distances of Jupiter, but great accuracy is hardly obtainable in this way. A second method is by means of the constant of aberration (aberration, constant of), which gives the ratio of the velocity of the Earth in its orbit to the velocity of light. As aberration produces an annual term of amplitude 20.496in the positions of all stars, its amount has been determined in numerous ways. Observations made at Greenwich in the years 1911 to 1936 gave the value 20.489″ ± 0.003leading to the value 8.797″ ± 0.013for solar parallax. This method is not free from the suspicion of systematic error.

      The velocities of stars toward or away from the Earth are determined from spectroscopic observations. By choosing times when the orbital motion of the Earth is carrying it toward or from a star, astronomers are able to determine mathematically the velocity of the Earth in its orbit. In this way the solar parallax was found from observations at the Cape of Good Hope to be 8.802″ ± 0.004″.

      Radar measures of the distance from the Earth to Venus have provided the best determination of the solar parallax. By measuring the flight time of a radar pulse to Venus, the distance between the two planets can be obtained, allowing the determination of the unit distance between the Earth and the Sun.

      The present value for the radar astronomical unit is 149,598,000 km ± 200 km, corresponding to a solar parallax of 8.79414″ ± 0.00004″. The principal limitations of the method are its dependence on knowledge of the planetary orbits, the uncertainty in the value of the velocity of light, and the possibility of electromagnetic effects in the EarthVenus plasma delaying the radar pulse.

      Gravitational methods are still another means of determining solar parallax. In lunar theory there is a term of period one month known as the parallactic inequality. The coefficient of the term contains the ratio of the parallaxes of the Sun and Moon as a factor. The coefficient's large size makes it of value.

      The ratio of the combined mass of the Earth and the Moon to that of the Sun may be determined from the disturbing action of the Earth and Moon on the elliptic motion of the planets. The ratio of the Moon's mass to that of the Earth is 1/81.30, and thus the ratio of the Earth's mass to that of the Sun is found. In a manner similar to that described above for the Moon's parallax, the solar parallax is then derived.

      At the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in 1964 the value 8.79405″ (8.794″) for the solar parallax was adopted, corresponding to an astronomical unit of 149,600,000 km.

Stellar parallax
 The stars (star) are too distant for any difference of position to be perceptible from two places on the Earth's surface; but, as the Earth revolves at 149,600,000 km from the Sun, stars are seen from widely different viewpoints during the year. The effect on their positions is called annual parallax, defined as the difference in position of a star as seen from the Earth and Sun. Its amount and direction vary with the time of year, and its maximum is a/r, where a is the radius of the Earth's orbit and r the distance of the star (Figure 3—>). The quantity is very small and never reaches 1/206,265 in radians, or 1in sexagesimal measure.

Direct measurement.
      The introduction of the photographic method by F. Schlesinger (Schlesinger, Frank) in 1903 considerably improved the accuracy of stellar parallaxes. In practice a few photographs are taken when the star is on the meridian shortly after sunset at one period (epoch) of the year and shortly before sunrise six months later. Since the star's positions also change because of its motion across the sky (proper motion), a minimum of three such sets of observations is necessary for obtaining the parallax. From approximately 25 photographs taken over five epochs, the parallax of a star usually is determined with an accuracy of about ± 0.010″ (probable error), even though the diameter of the photographic disk of the star is rarely less than 2.0″.

      The unit in which stellar distances are expressed by astronomers, the parsec, is the distance of a star whose parallax is 1″. This is equal to 206,265 times the Earth's distance from the Sun, or approximately 30,000,000,000,000 km. When p is measured in seconds of arc and the distance d in parsecs, the simple relation d = 1/p holds. One parsec is equal to 3.26 light years.

      The star with the largest known parallax, 0.76″, is Alpha Centauri. Fifty-eight separate stars are known within a distance of five parsecs from the Sun. These stars include the bright stars Alpha Centauri, Sirius, Procyon, and Altair, but the majority are faint telescopic objects.

Indirect measurement.
      For stars beyond a distance of 30 parsecs (parallactic angle 0.03″), the trigonometric method is in general not sufficiently accurate, and other methods must be used to determine their distances.

      The parallax can be derived from the apparent magnitude of the star if there are any means of knowing the absolute magnitude of the stari.e., the magnitude the star would have at the standard distance of 10 parsecs. For many stars a reasonable estimate can be made from their spectral types or their proper motions. The formula connecting the absolute magnitude, M, and the apparent magnitude, m, with parallax, p, is

      expressing the condition that the light received from a star varies inversely as the square of the distance.

      Some groups of stars, such as the Hyades cluster in Taurus and the Ursa Major cluster, have proper motions converging toward a definite point on the celestial sphere and are called moving clusters. The apparent convergence is due to the effect of perspective on parallel motions. Once the direction toward the convergent point is known, and the proper and radial motion of a member star is known, the parallax can be determined from the geometry.

      One method of indirect measurement involves the determination of mean, or average, stellar parallaxes. The solar system is moving through space with a velocity of 19.5 km per second, carrying it four times the Earth's distance from the Sun in one year. This produces a general drift in the angular movement of the stars away from the apex, or point in the sky to which the movement is directed. Were the stars at rest, this would give a ready means of determining their individual distances. As the stars are all moving, the method gives the average distance of a group of stars examined, on the assumption that their peculiar motions are eliminated. In this way the mean parallaxes of stars of successive apparent magnitudes, of different galactic latitudes, and of different spectral types are obtained. Thus the mean parallax of fifth magnitude stars (i.e., of stars just visible to the naked eye) is 0.018″, and of the 10th magnitude stars (i.e., of stars each giving about 1/100 of the light of a star of the fifth magnitude) is 0.0027″.

      Stellar parallaxes are also deduced from spectroscopic observations. The spectra of nearly all stars can be grouped into a small number of classes, which form a continuous sequence depending on the effective (surface) temperatures of the stars. The Henry Draper (HD (Henry Draper Catalogue)) classification, which is of this kind, uses the letters OBAFGKM to denote classes with temperatures descending from about 30,000 K for class O to about 2,500 K for class M. The HD system has been generally adopted, usually in combination with a decimal subdivision for refined work.

      Empirical studies show that the spectra of the stars also include important clues to their true luminosities. In 1914 Walter Adams (Adams, Walter) and Arnold Kohlschütter established the spectroscopic differences between giant and dwarf stars of the same spectral type and laid the foundation for the determination of spectroscopic parallaxes. These differences, depending upon the intrinsic brightness of the star, allow an estimate of its absolute magnitude, and the parallax can then be deduced by means of the equation (2) given above. This method has been applied to most of the brighter stars in the Northern Hemisphere, using stars of known parallax as standards.

      A two-dimensional classification system of stellar spectra, which has been universally adopted, has greatly improved the accuracy of spectroscopic parallaxes. The system, called the MK system, assigns a precise system of Draper classes and five luminosity classes, using the Roman numerals I to V. The system divides the majority of stars into supergiants, bright giants, subgiants, and main sequence (dwarf) stars, depending upon their intrinsic brightness, as determined from the spectral lines most sensitive to this property. The luminosity classes are then calibrated in terms of absolute magnitude.

      The colours of the stars can also be used as indicators of their absolute magnitude, as first shown by Ejnar Hertzsprung (Hertzsprung, Ejnar) in 1905 and 1907. A measure of the colour of a star is the difference in brightness, measured in magnitudes, in two selected wavelength bands of its spectrum. Initially the difference between the visual and the photographic magnitude of a star was defined as the colour of its light and called its colour index. A comparison between the colour index and the spectral classification of a star has made it possible to develop a quantitative method of measuring a star's absolute magnitude. Several photometric systems have been developed. The most widely used system is the two-dimensional quantitative classification method based upon photoelectric measurements in three wavelength bands in the ultraviolet, blue, and yellow (or visual) regions of the spectrum, hence called the UBV (UBV system) system. The system of the two colour indices U-B and B-V is calibrated in terms of spectral class and luminosity class on the MK system, based upon a set of standard stars. The relationship between the two indices in the UBV system and the absolute magnitudes for the main-sequence stars is of particular interest. By means of this relationship and the inverse square law, it is possible to determine the distances to galactic clusters from photoelectric observations of main-sequence stars in these clusters. In other words, such photometric parallaxes are obtained from a comparison of the observed apparent magnitudes of the stars and the absolute magnitudes inferred from their spectral types.

      If the relative orbit of a visual binary (binary star) system is known, the following relation connects the combined mass, M, of the two stars, expressed in the Sun's mass as unit; the orbital period, P, expressed in years, the semimajor axis of the relative orbit; a, expressed in seconds of arc; and the parallax p: p = a/3MP2. Both a and P are known, but not M; it will be noted that an error in the value of M gives rise to a much smaller error in p. Thus, for instance, increasing M by a factor of 8 only halves the value of p. The value of p obtained by assuming the combined mass to be equal to the mass of the Sun is called the hypothetical parallax.

      In many visual pairs the complete orbit has not been observed. If s denotes the apparent distance in seconds of arc and ω the relative motion in seconds of arc per year, a hypothetical parallax can be derived from the formula p = 0.418 32. By use of the relationship between mass and luminosity of a star, it is possible, knowing the spectral type of the star, to derive a correcting factor that will give a more accurate value of the parallax. Parallaxes so determined are called dynamical parallaxes.

Kaj Aa. Strand Ed.

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Universalium. 2010.

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