
/oh'vim boon"dooh/, n., pl. Ovimbundus (esp. collectively) Ovimbundu.
Mbundu (def. 1).

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Bantu-speaking people of central Angola.

Numbering about 4 million, the Ovimbundu provided the major popular support for Jonas M. Savimbi and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). They were formerly traders; today they farm, hunt, and raise livestock. About half the 22 Ovimbundu chiefdoms were tributary to a larger chiefdom before Portuguese intervention in the 20th century.

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also called  Umbundu 

      people inhabiting the tree-studded grasslands of the Bié Plateau in Angola. They speak Umbundu, a Bantu language (Bantu languages) of the Niger-Congo language (Niger-Congo languages) family. They numbered about four million at the turn of the 21st century.

      The ruling families entered the highlands from the northeast in the 17th century, subduing and incorporating the indigenous cattle-keeping peoples. They divide into 22 chiefdoms, about half of which were tributary to a larger chiefdom before effective Portuguese occupation in the 20th century.

      An Ovimbundu household usually comprises the male head, his several wives, and dependent children. The kinship system features double descent, land being inherited in the paternal line and movable property in the maternal. Initiation schools exist for boys and girls of certain families only. Agriculture is the chief economic activity, main crops being corn (maize) and beans. Most Ovimbundu men and boys hunt, but there are also professional hunters. Domestic animals include cows, sheep, and goats; oxen are used for transport. Cattle are a measure of wealth, but few families own large herds. Beeswax was and still is an important item of trade.

      The Ovimbundu were formerly traders with other African peoples and with the Portuguese. Each trading caravan had a professional leader and diviner. Trade agreements linking the independent chiefdoms led to the development of regional specialization, such as metalwork and cornmeal production. Large-scale trading activities declined with the suppression of the slave trade (Angola) and the construction of the Benguela Railway in 1904. In the late 20th century, the Ovimbundu provided the major popular support for Jonas Savimbi (Savimbi, Jonas) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) (UNITA) guerrillas.

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