
oceanlike, adj.
/oh"sheuhn/, n.
1. the vast body of salt water that covers almost three fourths of the earth's surface.
2. any of the geographical divisions of this body, commonly given as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic oceans.
3. a vast expanse or quantity: an ocean of grass.
[1250-1300; ME ocean(e) ( < OF) < L oceanus, special use of Oceanus OCEANUS < Gk okeanós, Okeanós]

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Large, continuous body of salt water.

Ocean covers nearly 71% of the Earth's surface and is divided into major oceans and smaller seas. The three principal oceans, the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian, are largely delimited by land and submarine topographic boundaries. All are connected to what is sometimes called the Southern Ocean, the waters encircling Antarctica. Important marginal seas, primarily in the Northern Hemisphere, are partially enclosed by landmasses or island arcs. The largest are the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas, Caribbean and adjacent waters, Mediterranean, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Yellow and China Seas, and Sea of Japan.
(as used in expressions)

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      county, east-central New Jersey, U.S., bounded by the Metedeconk River to the north, the Manasquan River to the northeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. It comprises a coastal lowland area and, in addition to the Metedeconk and Manasquan, is drained by the Toms and Forked rivers. The county contains many lakes, wildlife refuges, and recreational areas, including Island Beach and Barnegat Lighthouse state parksboth of which are located on a barrier beach between Barnegat Bay and the ocean. Forested areas contain shortleaf pine with stands of oak.

      Early inhabitants of the region were Delaware Indians. In the 19th century the county was known as a major centre of cranberry production. The U.S. Navy tested dirigibles in Ocean county until the German airship Hindenburg exploded at Lakehurst on May 6, 1937, damaging the industry's reputation.

      The county was created in 1850 and named for its proximity to the Atlantic. The principal communities are Brick, Lakewood, Jackson, and Toms River, which is the county seat. Tourism is the mainstay of the economy. Area 636 square miles (1,648 square km). Pop. (2000) 510,916; (2007 est.) 565,493.

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Universalium. 2010.

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