- nyctalopia
/nik'tl oh"pee euh/, n. Ophthalm.2. hemeralopia.[1675-85; < LL nyctalopia < Gk nykt- NYCT- + al(aós) blind + -opia -OPIA]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Nyctalopia — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H53.6 ICD 9 368.6 Nyctalopia (from Gree … Wikipedia
Nyctalopia — Nyc ta*lo pi*a (n[i^]k t[.a]*l[=o] p[i^]*[.a]), n. [L. nyctalopia, fr. nyctalops a nyctalops, Gr. nykta lwps. Gr. nykta lwps meant, a person affected either with day blindness or with night blindness, and in the former case was derived fr. ny x,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nyctalopia — [nik΄tə lō′pē ə] n. [LL < Gr nyktalōps < nyx (gen. nyktos), NIGHT + alaos, blind (< a , not + laein, to see) + ōps, EYE] NIGHT BLINDNESS: cf. HEMERALOPIA nyctalopic [nik΄təläp′ik] adj … English World dictionary
nyctalopia — Also known as moonblink and night blindness. The term nyctalopia comes from the Greek words nux (night), alaos (blind), and ops (eye). The first known reference is found in the book Epidemics of the Hippocratic Corpus. In the Hip pocratic… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Nyctalopia — Night blindness, impaired vision in dim light and in the dark, due to impaired function of certain specialized vision cells (the rods) in the retina. The ability of our eyes to quickly view objects as they shift from light to dark areas and the… … Medical dictionary
nyctalopia — Night blindness. Nyctalopia comes to us from the Latin word nyctalops, which means suffering from night blindness. It is ultimately derived from the Greek word nyktalops, which was formed by combining the word for night ( nyx ) with the words… … Glossary of Art Terms
nyctalopia — Moonblink Moon blink , n. A temporary blindness, or impairment of sight, said to be caused by sleeping in the moonlight; sometimes called {nyctalopia}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nyctalopia — nyc•ta•lo•pi•a [[t]ˌnɪk tlˈoʊ pi ə[/t]] n. 1) oph night blindness 2) oph hemeralopia • Etymology: 1675–85; < LL nyctalōpia < Gk nykt , s. ofnýx night+al(aós) blind + ōpia opia nyc ta•lop′ic ˈɒp ɪk adj … From formal English to slang
nyctalopia — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Latin nyctalops suffering from night blindness, from Greek nyktalops, from nykt , nyx night + alaos blind + ōp , ōps eye more at night, eye Date: 1684 night blindness … New Collegiate Dictionary
nyctalopia — noun The inability to see clearly in dim light; night blindness … Wiktionary