
/nooht"keuh, noot"-/, n., pl. Nootkas, (esp. collectively) Nootka for 2.
1. a Wakashan language spoken in SW Canada on the western coast of Vancouver Island.
2. a member of an Indian people of Washington and Vancouver Island speaking this language.

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or (since 1980) Nuu-chah-nulth

Any of several bands of Northwest Coast Indian people of southwestern Vancouver Island, B.C., Can.

, and northwestern Washington, U.S. The name Nuu-chah-nulth, which they adapted in preference to Nootka (given them by others), means "Along the Mountains." They speak a Wakashan language. Culturally related to the Kwakiutl, the Nootka were specialized whale hunters. They moved seasonally, returning to their principal homesites during the winter. Local groups were usually socially and politically independent. The most important religious ceremony was the shaman's dance, a reenactment of mythological themes that ended with a potlatch. Today the Nuu-chah-nulth number about 6,000.

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  • Nootka — [ nu:tkə, nʊt ] noun (plural same or Nootkas) 1》 a member of an American Indian people of Vancouver Island, Canada. 2》 the Wakashan language of the Nootka. Origin named after Nootka Sound, an inlet on the coast of Vancouver Island …   English new terms dictionary

  • nootka — o (desde 1980) nuu chah nulth Nombre de varias bandas de los pueblos de indios de la costa noroccidental que habitan en el sudoeste de la isla de Vancouver, Columbia Británica, Canadá, y en el noroeste del estado de Washington, EE.UU. El nombre… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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