
/nee nee"gee/, n. Japanese Legend.
the grandson of Amaterasu and first ruler of Japan.

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Japanese deity
in full  Ninigi No Mikoto, 

      Japanese deity, grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu. Ninigi's supposed descent to earth established the divine origin of the Yamato clan, the Imperial house of Japan. He is said to have been the great-grandfather of the first emperor, Jimmu.

      Amaterasu delegated Ninigi to assume ownership and rule of the central land of the reed plains (Japan) and gave him three signs of his charge: a jewel (symbolizing benevolence), a mirror (purity), and Kusanagi, thegrass-mowingsword (courage). The jewel, the mirror, and the sword are still the Japanese Imperial symbols. On his descent to earth Ninigi landed on Kyushu, the southernmost of the main islands. Ōkuninushi no Mikoto, who was already sovereign there, was reluctant to give up his own right to rule but submitted when he was permitted to retain control ofsecret” (religious) affairs, with Ninigi supervisingpublic” (political) affairs. Today, Ōkuninushi remains an important folk deity, while Ninigi is no longer venerated.

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Universalium. 2010.

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