
/ni wahr"/, n., pl. Newars, (esp. collectively) Newar.
a member of a Mongoloid people of Nepal.

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People living in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal.

They make up about half the population of the valley. Most are Hindu, but some practice an Indian form of Buddhism. The Newar have a wide range of occupations; they have traditionally been noted as architects and artisans, the builders of the famous temples and shrines of Kathmandu. Painting and sculpture flourished among them in the 10th16th centuries. The Newar population of Nepal is estimated to be about 540,000.

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      people who comprise about half the population of the Kāthmāndu Valley in Nepal. They speak a language belonging to the Tibeto-Burman family, but their culture has been strongly influenced by Indian religious and social institutions. The Newar population of Nepal was estimated to be about 1,250,000 in the early 21st century.

      Most of the Newar are Hindus, but some practice an Indian form of Buddhism. There are about 70 castes (caste), Buddhist as well as Hindu, covering approximately the same spectrum as the caste system of India.

      The Newar have a wide range of occupations. Many are farmers; others are prominent in the retail trades; and some occupy high political and administrative posts. They have traditionally been noted as architects and artisans, the builders of the famous temples and shrines of Kāthmāndu. From the 10th to the 16th century painting and sculpture flourished among the Newar, along with crafts such as pottery making, paper production, wood carving, and metallurgy. Each of the crafts has traditionally been the specialty of a particular caste.

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Universalium. 2010.

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