- neutral
—neutrally, adv./nooh"treuhl, nyooh"-/, adj.1. not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others: a neutral nation during World War II.2. not aligned with or supporting any side or position in a controversy: The arbitrator was absolutely neutral.3. of or belonging to a neutral state or party: neutral territory.4. of no particular kind, characteristics, etc.; indefinite: a neutral personality that made no impression whatever; a sex-neutral job title.5. (of a color or shade)a. gray; without hue; of zero chroma; achromatic.b. matching well with many or most other colors or shades, as white or beige.6. Bot., Zool. neuter.7. not causing or reflecting a change in something: It is believed that the new tax law will be revenue neutral.8. Chem. exhibiting neither acid nor alkaline qualities: neutral salts.9. Physics.a. (of a particle) having no charge.b. (of an atom, molecule, collection of particles, fluid, or solid) having no net charge; electroneutral; not electrified.c. not magnetized.10. Phonet. (of a vowel) pronounced with the tongue relaxed in a central position, as the a in alive; reduced.n.11. a person or a nation that remains neutral, as in a controversy or war.12. a citizen of a neutral nation during a war.13. Mach., Auto. the position or state of disengaged gears or other interconnecting parts: in neutral.14. a neutral color.[1400-50; late ME < L neutralis grammatically neuter. See NEUTER, -AL1]
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▪ Native American peopleFrench Neutrea confederacy of Iroquoian-speaking North American Indian tribes who lived in what are now southern Ontario, Can., and western New York, northeastern Ohio, and southeastern Michigan, U.S. The French came to call these allied tribes “Neutral” because they remained neutral in the wars between the Iroquois Confederacy and the Huron before the mid-17th century. This neutrality did not extend to other tribes, however, and the early 17th century saw the Neutral alliance at war with groups to the west, particularly the Potawatomi. Neutral villages of bark-covered houses were situated on high, defensible ground; their economy was based on agriculture, supplemented by game, which was plentiful in this area.During the war between the Huron and the Iroquois Confederacy in 1648–49, the Neutral attempted to gain favour with the latter by seizing Huron individuals, including those who had sought refuge in Neutral communities; the Iroquois nevertheless attacked and destroyed the Neutral in 1650–51. The last mention of them as an independent group was a report in 1653 of 800 members of the tribe living in the vicinity of Detroit in what is now Michigan. The remainder appear to have been either killed or absorbed by the Iroquois.* * *
Universalium. 2010.