
/nat/, n.
a male given name, form of Nathan or Nathaniel.

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Burmese religion
      in Burmese folk religion, any of a group of spirits that are the objects of an extensive, probably pre-Buddhist cult; in Thailand a similar spirit is called phi. Most important of the nats are a group collectively called thethirty-seven,” made up of spirits of human beings who have died violent deaths. They are capable of protecting the believer when kept properly propitiated and of causing harm when offended or ignored.

      Other types of nats are nature spirits; hereditary nats, whose annual tribute is an inherited obligation; and village nats, who protect a community from wild animals, bandits, and illness and whose shrine is attached to a tree or pole near the entrance to the village. Most households also hang a coconut from the southeast pillar of the house in honour of Min Mahagir, the house nat.

      Nats are appeased by offerings of food or flowers, given on all important occasions. Among the special nat festivals are those honouring the Taungbyon brothersa prominent, rather rowdy pair of nats said to have been executed in the 11th centuryand the king of thethirty-seven,” Thagya Min, associated by scholars with the Indian god Indra (known in Myanmar [Burma] as Sakka).

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