- nap
/nap/, v., napped, napping, n.v.i.1. to sleep for a short time; doze.2. to be off one's guard: The question caught him napping.v.t.3. to sleep or doze through (a period of time, an activity, etc.) (usually fol. by away): I napped the afternoon away. He naps away most of his classes.n.4. a brief period of sleep, esp. one taken during daytime: Has the baby had her nap?nap2—napless, adj. —naplessness, n./nap/, n., v., napped, napping.n.1. the short fuzzy ends of fibers on the surface of cloth, drawn up in napping.2. any downy coating, as on plants.v.t.3. to raise a nap on.[1400-50; late ME noppe, OE -hnoppa (as in wullknoppa, mistake for *wullhnoppa tuft of wool), c. MD, MLG noppe; akin to OE hnoppian to pluck]nap3/nap/, n.napoleon (defs. 2, 3).[shortened form]
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gambling card game played throughout northern Europe under various names and guises. It reached England in the 1880s. Its title may commemorate the deposed Napoleon III.Three or more players—ideally five—use a standard 52-card deck from which an agreed number of lower numerals may be stripped to increase the skill factor—for example, three play with 24 cards (A-K-Q-J-10-9), four with 28 (A-K-Q-J-10-9-8), five with 28 or 32 (A-K-Q-J-10-9-8-7). A joker, if added, acts as the highest trump. The cards are shuffled at the start of play and after a successful bid of five but otherwise are only cut between deals. Each player is dealt five cards, two-three or three-two at a time.Each player, in turn from the dealer's left, may pass or make one bid, which must be higher than all preceding bids. From low to high, the bids are two tricks, three tricks, misère (lose every trick), four tricks, nap (five tricks), wellington (five tricks for doubled stakes), and blücher (five tricks for redoubled stakes). Wellington may only follow a bid of nap and blücher a bid of wellington.The highest bidder leads to the first trick, and the suit of that card is automatically trump (except in misère when players have previously agreed to play without a trump suit). Play proceeds clockwise, and players must follow suit if possible; otherwise, they may play any card. The trick is taken by the highest card of the suit led or by the highest trump if any are played, and the winner of each trick leads to the next.If the winning bidder makes or exceeds the bid, each opponent pays 2 to 4 units for bids of two to four, 3 for misère, 10 for nap, 20 for wellington, and 40 for blücher. A winning bidder who fails to make the bid pays the same amount to each opponent, though it may be halved for a bid of nap in some gambling circles.David ParlettAdditional ReadingReliable sources for rules include Joli Quentin Kansil (ed.), Bicycle Official Rules of Card Games (2002); David Parlett, The A–Z of Card Games, 2nd ed. (2004; 1st ed. published as Oxford Dictionary of Card Games, 1992); and Barry Rigal, Card Games for Dummies, 2nd ed. (2005).* * *
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