
mountable, adj.mountless, adj.
/mownt/, v.t.
1. to go up; climb; ascend: to mount stairs.
2. to get up on (a platform, a horse, etc.).
3. to set or place at an elevation: to mount a house on stilts.
4. to furnish with a horse or other animal for riding.
5. to set or place (a person) on horseback.
6. to organize, as an army.
7. to prepare and launch, as an attack or a campaign.
8. to raise or put into position for use, as a gun.
9. (of a fortress or warship) to have or carry (guns) in position for use.
10. to go or put on guard, as a sentry or watch.
11. to attach to or fix on or in a support, backing, setting, etc.: to mount a photograph; to mount a diamond in a ring.
12. to arrange for display: to mount a museum exhibit.
13. to provide (a play, musical comedy, opera, etc.) with scenery, costumes, and other equipment for production.
14. to prepare (an animal body or skeleton) as a specimen.
15. (of a male animal) to climb upon (a female) for copulation.
16. Micros.
a. to prepare (a slide) for microscopic investigation.
b. to prepare (a sample) for examination by a microscope, as by placing it on a slide.
17. to increase in amount or intensity (often fol. by up): The cost of all those small purchases mounts up.
18. to get up on the back of a horse or other animal for riding.
19. to rise or go to a higher position, level, degree, etc.; ascend.
20. to get up on something, as a platform.
21. the act or a manner of mounting.
22. a horse, other animal, or sometimes a vehicle, as a bicycle, used, provided, or available for riding.
23. an act or occasion of riding a horse, esp. in a race.
24. a support, backing, setting, or the like, on or in which something is, or is to be, mounted or fixed.
25. an ornamental metal piece applied to a piece of wooden furniture.
26. Micros. a prepared slide.
27. a distinctive metal feature on a sheath or scabbard, as a locket or chape.
28. Philately. hinge (def. 4).
29. Print. a wooden or metal block to which a plate is secured for printing.
[1300-50; ME mounten < OF munter, monter < VL *montare, deriv. of L mont- (s. of mons) MOUNT2]
Syn. 1. scale. See climb. 19. soar. 22. steed, charger, palfrey.
Ant. 1, 19. descend.
/mownt/, n. Chiefly Literary.
a mountain: often used as part of a placename.
[bef. 900; ME, OE munt < L mont- (s. of mons) mountain, hill]

* * *

(as used in expressions)
Aconcagua Mount
Ararat Mount
Aso Mount
Athos Mount
Cameroon Mount
Elbrus Mount
Elgon Mount
Etna Mount
Everest Mount
Fairweather Mount
Fuji Mount
Helicon Mount
Hermon Mount
Hood Mount
Ida Mount
Jaya Mount
Mount Sukarno
Karisimbi Mount
Kenya Mount
Kosciusko Mount
Mount Lassen
Logan Mount
Mount Mayon
McKinley Mount
Mitchell Mount
Mount William Sidney
Nyiragongo Mount
Olives Mount of
Olympus Mount
Pelée Mount
Pinatubo Mount
Rainier Mount
Rushmore Mount
Saint Helens Mount
Shasta Mount
Sinai Mount
Mount Horeb
Washington Mount
Whitney Mount
Samuel of Mount Carmel and of Toxeth Herbert Louis Samuel 1st Viscount

* * *

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