
/mawr"oh, mohr"oh/, n., pl. Moros, (esp. collectively) Moro.
a member of any of the various tribes of Muslim Malays in the southern Philippines.
[ < Sp < L Maurus MOOR]
/mawr"oh, mor"oh/; It. /maw"rddaw/, n.
Aldo /al"doh/; It. /ahl"daw/, 1916-78, Italian lawyer, author, and statesman: prime minister 1963-68, 1974-76.

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Any member of several Muslim peoples living in the southern Philippines.

The Moros, who constitute about 5% of the Philippine population, are not ethnically different from other Filipinos, but, with a separate Islamic faith and local cultures, they have been the object of prejudice and neglect. They have a centuries-long history of conflict with ruling powers: first with Roman Catholic Spanish colonialists (16th19th century), later with U.S. occupation troops, and finally with the independent Philippine government. Although the Moro National Liberation Front
which espoused Moro separatism and led a violent insurgency in the late 1960s and '70s
split into factions at the end of the 1970s, the insurgency continued. Provisions for the expansion of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, established in the late 1980s, were included in a 1996 treaty, but some separatists continue to hold out for complete independence.

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      any of several Muslim peoples (Islāmic world) of Mindanao, Palawan, the Sulu Archipelago, and other southern islands of the Philippines. Constituting about 5 percent of the Philippine population, they can be classified linguistically into 10 subgroups: the Maguindanao of North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, and Maguindanao provinces; the Maranao of Lanao del Norte and Lanao del Sur provinces; the Tausug, mostly of Jolo Island; the Samal, mostly in the Sulu Archipelago; the Bajau, mostly in the Sulu Archipelago; the Yakan of Zamboanga del Sur province; the Ilanon of southern Mindanao; the Sangir of southern Mindanao; the Melabugnan of southern Palawan; and the Jama Mapun of the Cagayan Islands.

      Because of their Islamic faith (introduced from Borneo and Malaya in the 14th century), the Moro have remained outside the mainstream of Philippine life and have been the object of popular prejudice and national neglect. Moro conflict with ruling powers has a centuries-long history: from the 16th to the 19th century they resisted Roman Catholic Spanish colonialists, who tried to extirpate theirheresy”; in the first decade of the 20th century they battled against U.S. occupation troops in a futile hope of establishing a separate sovereignty; and, finally, they spawned insurgencies against the independent Philippine government, especially from the late 1960s on.

      Historically, Muslim Filipinos have never constituted a collective entity. The various groups or tribes have often been fiercely independent, have clashed with one another at times, and have independently grafted Islamic tenets and practices onto their distinct local cultures. Nevertheless, internal differences have been outweighed by the common grievances that the Moro have experienced vis-à-vis non-Muslims in the Philippines. After World War II, their traditional grievances as religious and economic outcasts were exacerbated by the great migration of northern Christian Filipinos into the southern provinces, where they bought up land and tried, Moros alleged, to Christianize the schools and other institutions. In 1971 the Manila Times estimated that 800,000 Muslims were refugees turned out of their lands by Christians.

      The main contemporary resistance group espousing Moro separatismthe Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), founded in 1968instituted a terrorist insurgency that left 50,000 dead, drew in about half of the Philippine armed forces, and drove some 20,000 Muslim refugees to Sabah, East Malaysia, before a cease-fire was arranged in late 1976. In 197677 the Ferdinand Marcos administration in Manila offered regional autonomy to the various Moro groups, but in 1977 the MNLF president, Nur Misuari, renewed a demand for total independence for the southern Philippines and gained diplomatic and military support first from Libya and then from Iran. The war nevertheless dwindled to Moro raids and ambushes, and the MNLF itself was reported to have split into factions, partly on the lines of traditional ethnic and regional Moro rivalries.

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