
/moor, mawr, mohr/, n.
1. Archibald Lee (Archie), born 1916?, U.S. boxer.
2. Brian, born 1921, U.S. novelist.
3. Clement Clarke, 1779-1863, U.S. scholar and writer.
4. Douglas Stuart, 1893-1969, U.S. composer.
5. Eliakim Hastings /i luy"euh kim/, 1862-1932, U.S. mathematician.
6. George, 1852-1933, Irish novelist, critic, and dramatist.
7. G(eorge) E(dward), 1873-1958, English philosopher.
8. Gerald, 1899-1987, British pianist.
9. Henry, 1898-1986, English sculptor.
10. Sir John, 1761-1809, British general.
11. John Bassett /bas"it, -et/, 1860-1947, U.S. jurist.
12. Marianne (Craig), 1887-1972, U.S. poet and critic.
13. Stanford, 1913-82, U.S. biochemist: Nobel prize for chemistry 1972.
14. Thomas, 1779-1852, Irish poet.
15. a city in central Oklahoma. 35,063.

* * *

(as used in expressions)
Grimké Sarah Moore and Grimké Angelina Emily
Kennedy Edward Moore
David John Moore Cornwell
Moore Archie
Moore Brian
Moore Clement Clarke
Moore Ely
Moore George Edward
Moore Henry
Moore Marianne Craig
Moore Mary Tyler
Moore Stanford
Moore Thomas
Carry Moore
Vinson Frederick Moore
Walton Samuel Moore

* * *

      city, Cleveland county, central Oklahoma, U.S., a southern suburb of Oklahoma City. First settled in 1887 and originally called Verbeck, it was renamed for a conductor of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, The). Its population remained small until the 1960s when planned urban and industrial development began. Industries include the manufacture of aircraft parts, building materials, petroleum products, and processed foods. Inc. town, 1893; city, 1963. Pop. (1960) 1,783; (1970) 18,761; (1990) 40,318; (2000) 41,138.

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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